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Showing posts from March, 2005

Three Issues and Reconciliation

During the last week or so, there has been three issues and concerns going on that involved me directly or indirectly. One at my old church, one in a Christian Chat room that I help moderate, and one at my current church. The one at my current church was not anything major at all, but there is always a concern when you have to approach somebody about something, that they may get their feelings hurt. In this case it involved moving the women's bible study to a different location so that the woman's toddler son will not be a distraction at their home where they have been having it. If you read this, thank you for understanding, and praise the Lord! The second one involving the Christian Chat room that I help moderate has been a big concern. I don't know all of the details, but at least some of it has to do with the credo-paedo baptist issue. One of the moderators takes a strong position on the historic baptist position, and there was a misunderstanding of some sort that it wa...

Fifteen Evil Consequences of Plexiglas Preaching

This is such good stuff, just had to put it on my Blog. Please read and consider! Fifteen Evil Consequences of Plexiglas Preaching By: John MacArthur Armed with a “big business” mentality, many in the seeker-sensitive movement have replaced Bible-based sermons with anecdote-filled talks. After all, that’s the stuff that sells. In light of this growing evangelical trend, John MacArthur examines what happens when preachers put the seeker before the Savior and abandon God’s Word for ear-tickling entertainment. Everyone who knows anything about my ministry knows I am committed to expository preaching. It is my unshakable conviction that the ministry of God's Word should always be the heart and the focus of the church's ministry (1 Tim. 4:2). And proper biblical preaching should be systematic, expositional, theological, and God-centered. Such preaching is in short supply these days. There are plenty of gifted communicators in the modern evangelical movement, but today...

Ecumenism and The Armed Services

I know that this is nothing new, but Steve and I went to the {Air Force} Base so we could set up a regular pass for me to get on once a week max. It's amazing the concern that the Armed Services have about one "religion/denomination" getting the "upper hand" over another. They will not give a 24/7 pass for fear that someone will do some evangelizing on the base. But interestingly enough, if I understood the chaplain and another correctly, it could change every 2 years when a new base commander comes on board. And both the Chaplain Officer and the Chaplain NCO expressed how they are not really into "theology." I'm not sure how yet, but I hope that if it is His will, that God will use me to make a difference at Mountain Home Airbase. Short one today, God bless His own!

Pre-Marital Pregnancy and Getting Married

Yesterday, someone asked me for advice about someone he knows, that deals with whether a couple should get married if the girlfriend becomes pregnant due to sexual relations. We know what the world says. And many in the body of Christ believes that the couple doesn't necessarily have to get married just because they had sex and the woman got pregnant. I used to believe that too. But is it biblical? I realize that there are a bunch of "ifs" including whether they want to spend the rest of their life together as man and wife, but that is something they should have thought up when performing the "marriage benefits" without being married. There are consequences for sin, and if the sin is premarital sex that especially results in pregnancy, the result should be marriage. Consider the following passages of God's Word: Ex. 22:16-17 "If a man seduces a virgin who is not engaged, and lies with her, he must pay a dowry for her to be his wife. If her father absolu...

An Interesting Conversation

I was in Walmart with my wife Wednesday night looking around, when one of the workers asked about a coat I was wearing. One thing lead to another, and he asked me what brought me from Florida to Idaho, so I told him :^ ). He then proceeded to tell me that he goes to the Assemblies of God (AoG) in our town. I would never say that all of our charismatic/pentacostal friends are lost. I do have a concern for those who stay in those churches that speak the false gibberish tongues, espeicially after God's word has been presented to them in depth about it. But with this man it is more than because he goes to an AoG church (at least they are not 'oneness' like the Jesus Name Tabernacle in town). In all that he shared with me, I don't think he mentioned Christ once, let alone being appreciative specifically that the Lord saved and forgave him. Now he did mention the word "saved" once when talking about someone else he knew. He said he was raised catholic and pretty mu...