35 Reasons Not To Sin by Jim Elliff Because a little sin leads to more sin. Because my sin invites the discipline of God. Because the time spent in sin is forever wasted. Because my sin never pleases but always grieves God who loves me. Because my sin places a greater burden on my spiritual leaders. Because in time my sin always brings heaviness to my heart. Because I am doing what I do not have to do. Because my sin always makes me less than what I could be. Because others, including my family, suffer consequences due to my sin. Because my sin saddens the godly. Because my sin makes the enemies of God rejoice. Because sin deceives me into believing I have gained when in reality I have lost. Because sin may keep me from qualifying for spiritual leadership. Because the supposed benefits of my sin will never outweigh the consequences of disobedience. Because repenting of my sin is such a painful process, yet I must repent. Because sin is a very brief pleasure for an eternal loss. Because...
Musings and ponderings about current events, the economy, politics, and more, from a backslidden Christian that still believes the gospel and that the bible is the word of God. Expect some of my posts to seem hypocritical if you know me and my situation. My beliefs have not changed, and I still have the same concerns and convictions. Please be civil if you comment.