Why Do Evangelicals Ignore Ron Paul? By Chuck Baldwin February 27, 2007 This column is archived at http://chuckbaldwinlive.com/c2007/cbarchive_20070227.html Evangelical Christians are already beginning the process of selecting the Republican presidential candidate whom they can anoint as their successor to George W. Bush. Somehow, evangelicals have this deluded idea that President Bush is one of them. How they came to this delusion both fascinates and escapes me. Bush is anything but one of them. However, most evangelicals believe he is, and today it seems that illusion is greater than reality, anyway. Bush proves that more than anyone I have ever known. But enough about Bush. The question burning in the minds of evangelicals today is: Which Republican candidate for president will we anoint? There are several possibilities, but apparently Congressman Ron Paul is not one of them. For example, Jerry Falwell's widely distributed National Liberty Journal, in its March 2007 edition, had...
Musings and ponderings about current events, the economy, politics, and more, from a backslidden Christian that still believes the gospel and that the bible is the word of God. Expect some of my posts to seem hypocritical if you know me and my situation. My beliefs have not changed, and I still have the same concerns and convictions. Please be civil if you comment.