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Showing posts from May, 2007

'Progressive' Christians Say Media Coverage Skewed to Religious Right By Nathan Burchfiel

'Progressive' Christians Say Media Coverage Skewed to Religious Right By Nathan Burchfiel Staff Writer May 30, 2007 ( - A group of religious leaders and liberal media critics on Tuesday criticized what they view as a media bias in favor of conservative evangelicals and against "progressive" Christianity. Conservative religious leaders were quoted, mentioned or interviewed in television and print news stories 2.8 times as often as were "progressive" religious leaders, according to a report released by the liberal media watchdog Media Matters for America and the religious group Faith in Public Life. The report, which examined coverage since the 2004 election, found an increase in coverage of religious issues but determined that "this increased coverage not only over-represents some voices and under-represents others, it does so in a way that is consistently advantageous to conservatives." Media Matters Senior Fellow Paul Waldm...

Conservatism: Ghost of Liberalism Past By: Reed R. Heustis, Jr., Esq. Christian Constitutionalist

Christian Constitutionalist # * # * # * # * ============== * # * # * # * # ============== # * # * # * # * ============== * # * # * # * # ============== ============================== ============================== ============================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conservatism: Ghost of Liberalism Past By: Reed R. Heustis, Jr., Esq. Christian Constitutionalist May 26, AD 2007 University political science classes indoctrinate millions of students every year with the Liberal-versus-Conservative myth that gets perpetuated in establishment American politics at all levels of government. Supposedly, on the "Left" is the ideology of Liberalism, and on the "Right" is Conservatism. All political struggles, the Poli Sci professor instructs, take place upon this continuum. Although there exist other theories of government, most people subscribe to the above concept. People on...

Grace Gems: I bequeath my pastor's soul to the devil

I bequeath my pastor's soul to the devil (Brooks, "A Word in Season to Suffering Saints") "Covetousness, which is idolatry." Colossians 3:5 Covetousness is explicit idolatry. Covetousness is the darling sin of our nation. This leprosy has infected all sorts and ranks of men. Covetousness being idolatry, and the root of all evil, is highly provoking to God. Whatever a man loves most and best--that is his god. The covetous man looks upon the riches of the world as his heaven--his happiness--his great all. His heart is most upon the world, his thoughts are most upon the world, his affections are most upon the world, his discourse is most about the world. He who has his mind taken up with the world, and chiefly delighted with the world's music--he has also his tongue tuned to the same key, and takes his joy and comfort in speaking of nothing else but the world and worldly things. If the world is in the heart--it will break out at the lips. A worldly-minded man s...

News Odds and Ends

• Group Wants Chimp Declared a Person A chimpanzee, Haisl, who likes pastry, painting and watching TV, would also be able to receive donations and have the right to own property if an Austrian federal court overturns the ruling of a lower court. The Association Against Animal Factories, a Vienna animal-rights group, has asked the court to legally declare Haisl a "person," giving the 26-year-old male chimp the right to have a guardian and receive donations for a new home. Haisl, who was originally captured in Sierra Leone for use in pharmaceutical experiments, was intercepted by customs agents on the way to Austria, and has lived for the past 25 years in a shelter that recently went bankrupt. • Post-Rapture Postal Delivery A Florida man, who not only doesn't believe that Jesus is coming back, but doesn't even believe that He exists, has found a way to make a profit off those who do believe. For as little as $4.99, Joshua Witter, a self-described atheist living in Orlan...

No Sanctuary For Illegal Aliens At Our Church By Chuck Baldwin May 15, 2007

No Sanctuary For Illegal Aliens At Our Church By Chuck Baldwin May 15, 2007 This column is archived at For the past several days, news reports have been circulating throughout the mainstream media regarding the decision by several churches to provide "sanctuary" to illegal aliens. For example, a Fox News report dated May 9, 2007 said, "Two churches intend to give sanctuary to illegal immigrants to protect them from deportation and pressure lawmakers to provide a chance at U.S. citizenship. "Beginning Wednesday afternoon, a Catholic church in downtown Los Angeles and a Lutheran church in North Hollywood each intend to shelter one person as part of the 'New Sanctuary Movement.' "A handful of churches in other U.S. cities plan similar efforts in the months ahead to spotlight the plight of illegal immigrants." The report continued by saying, "In New York, religious leaders gathered at t...