"Finally! Prayer in Public Schools" By Tom Ascol from his blog (http://www.founders.org/blog/2007/07/finally-prayer-in-public-schools.html)
Finally! Prayer in Public Schools The Carver elementary school in San Diego is paving the way for prayer to be returned to public schools. Carver administrators have set aside 15 minutes from classroom instruction each afternoon to accommodate 100 religious students that are newly enrolled in the school. Amazingly, the ACLU seems willing to stand down on this one and let the practice continue, evidently not concerned that this action violates the establishment clause of the First Amendment. Many fundamentalist groups would be celebrating this new found sensitivity toward and encouragement of religious expression in a government school if it were not Muslims who are being served. That's right. The Carver policy has been designed to allow Muslim students to observe salat as prescribed by the Quran. This article (http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/metro/20070702-9999-1n2prayer.html) from the San Diego Union-Tribune tells the story. What it does not tell, however, is what these events ...