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How Many Ways To Heaven?

While I was at my job outside of the church today, I ended up in an interesting discussion with one of my co-workers (K). It began in the morning when another co-worker forwarded an e-mail involving the Dai-Lama. I deleted the e-mail after I realized who it was from and what it was about. Well, in the afternoon, K went to read that e-mail and asked if I read it. She knows I'm a Christian pastor, but that didn't seem to matter when she wondered why I had a problem with the ole Lama (and she professes to be a Christian as well). It was slow in the bank, so I was able to discuss several issues with her, that she still doesn't agree with: That good works has nothing to do with salvation, that Christ and His sacrifice is the only way to Heaven, and that Jesus Christ is God in the flesh. It also came out that K doesn't believe the whole Bible is the word of God. Of course it is too much to cover in a message of one worship service, let alone in 10-15 minutes on the job. She said she believed that Jesus Christ died to pay the penalty of sins, but she just couldn't reconcile that with good works playing a role in salvation. Especially when it came to her husband. She refused to believe that he being a "good man" didn't help get him to Heaven. She backed off somewhat after some explanation about Jesus being God, but when it was all said and done (for today's conversation) she wouldn't accept that people who did not believe in Jesus Christ and His sacrifice would not go to heaven.

Why am I saying all of this? Well, to share my heart, that all Christians, let alone pastors, need to remember to be ready to give an answer for the reason of the hope that lies within us. I now know where she stands, so I can pray more specifically for her and hopefully share the gospel with her some more. But the other thing that I thought of, is the fact that there are and have been a growing number of professing Christians and Churches that believe that those of other religions (non Christian ones) will still go to Heaven as long as they are sincere. Oh the apostasy that abounds. When we have preachers such as Billy Graham preaching that heresy, is it a surprise that many professing Christians believe that? Not only will those that are not trusting in the Person and Work of Christ with a repentant faith not be in Heaven, I fear that those professing Christians who believe that such people will be in Heaven, will not be in Heaven themselves because they are showing that they really do not understand the complete nature of God and His gospel. Jesus Himself said "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one can come to the Father, but through Me" (Jn. 14:6). That means that He is the only way to Heaven, or that He was either a liar or lunatic. And Jesus was no liar or lunatic! That knocks out any other religion, person, or way. Jesus and His death and resurrection is THE narrow way, just as Mt. 7:13-14 says.

"Lord, thank you for choosing, calling, and saving this unworthy, undeserving sinner. I know that I am no better than my co-worker K or anyone else. And I know if were not for your sovereign grace in opening my blind eyes, I would believe just like K and those who believe like her. But the truth is the truth. Your word if truth (Jn. 17). I pray that if You be pleased to do so, that You will open K's eyes to the truths of your Word and Gospel. And that if it be Your will, that You may be pleased to use me. Thank you Lord Jesus for all that You did for me and all those that the Father gave You. In Your name I pray...amen!"


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