So after reading my initial post, some may be thinking 'so I suppose you think your church is the only good church?' On the contrary, that is not the case at all. And I'm not asking like the radio lay- minister so called on Family Radio, that everyone should leave the churches because God has forsaken each and every local church. But I do believe that only a fraction of the churches are good solid God-glorifying churches. So which ones are they? These are churches that are God glorifying, Christ honoring, bible centered churches. Churches that are God centered as opposed to being man centered. Churches that believe in the authority and sufficiency of the word of God for God's people. Churches that proclaim the 'whole counsel of God' including as Peter said about the Scriptures Paul penned, some things hard to understand, but exposing the word of God to please God, not proclaim feel-good, self help, watered down messages to please man. Churches that do not compromise the gospel by not dealing with the law and commandments of God, the holiness of God, the sinfulness of man and their inabilty to come to Christ if and until the Father draws/ calls/regenerated/makes them alive, and the need for repentant faith in the Person and Work of Christ alone for their salvation. Churches who believe and proclaim the sufficiency of Christ's perfect righteous sinless life, and substitutionary, satisfactory sacrifice to pay for the sins of those that the Father gave Him (elect, sheep, church, His people), as opposed to a belief in either a sacrifice that did not accomplish that but only make salvation possible or that holds to Christ's sufficient work but therefore believing in double punishment for those who reject Christ (once by Christ, and then by them). Churches that believe that none that the Father gives Christ will perish or be lost (Jn. 6:39; 10:28) and that God finishes what He starts (Phlp. 1:6) and therefore preserves and enables His people to continue to believe to the end and not sin habitually as a way of life. Churches that worship the Lord in spirit and truth through the songs sung, prayers prayed, and His word proclaimed, received and obeyed, as opposed to entertaining and emotionally driven churches. Churches that hold their members accountable and disciplines them as needed according to the word of God. Churches that regularly holds the two ordinances of Communion/ Lord's Supper and believer's baptism in the local church, that neither one of those ordinances contributes to the salvation of the person, and that the bread and fruit of the vine represent the body and blood of Christ as a memorial to His sufficient sacrifice until He returns. Churches that have an Elder Church Government instead of Boards, Committees, Deacons, and even the congregation ruling/ leading the church because they are not called and qualified to do so. Churches and Pastors who are not afraid to preach what God says in His word in the text that week, whether it is dealing with any kind of sin, sovereign election, the role of woman in the church or home, the role of men in the church and home, modest dress in and out of the local church assembly, courting instead of dating for teenagers and young or older unmarried adults, exposing false teaching AND false teachers, etc., etc,. etc. because he/they love the Lord first and foremost, but also love God's people enough to proclaim such truth boldly but compassionately regardless of the results and consequences. Churches that reject and do not allow the false unbiblical gibberish tongues, and reject the false teaching that it is always God's will to heal if you have enough faith, and that Christians have the gift of healing as did the Apostles in the first century church. Churches that believe and proclaim that 5 Sola's + TULIP = TRUTH ;-). So what churches hold to these wonderful truths and takes these biblical positions I have mentioned? Churches that are called or named Reformed or Sovereign Grace Baptist whether or not they have these terms in their name, and whether or not they belong to a denomination, association or fellowship. Find a church like this in your city or town, and find out for yourself. Be willing to make the sacrifice of a long drive if you have to go to the other side of a big city, or to another city or town. If there is not one of these churches within even a long drive, either start a church if you are qualified or pray and search for someone who is qualified to start this kind of church, or go to one that is as close as possible in faith and practice (but not one that is in the very bad or bad catagory). May the Lord God Almighty receive the praise and glory that He deserves from this tough but necessary Blog Post.
The King James Only Controversy : I have been in 3 churches since the Lord was pleased to save me, the last 2 of them as a pastor. The first church was when I was not a pastor, but did teach Sunday School, and preached occasionally. It was a church that used the KJV of the bible, but neither I or the pastor was hardcore KJV Only. The second church was the first church I pastored. For the sake of some long time members in that small church, I used the King James version for sermons, but after I was there a year or two, I began using the NKJV for Scripture Readings. My third church, which is the one I'm pastoring now in Idaho, does not use the KJV. We offically use the NASB for our sermons, and the ESV many times when quoting other scriptures. I know some of my long time Christian friends from Maryland are KJV Only. I am not. I think it is an issue that we can agree to disagree on, but it seems there may be some that cannot. In the not so distant future, I'll post on the Blog why...