III Marriage and the Christian Family
The Priority of Being a Member of a Good Biblical Church
Well, going on the assumption that the husband and wife are not unequally yoked, and are of like faith, let us move on to the importance of being a member of a biblical local church. There is not much dispute, that the importance of being a member of a good biblical local church is downplayed by many professing Christians. Some think that church attendance is not important. Others think that church attendance is good but membership is not important. When we look at the purpose of the local church, we also see why Christians are to go. Of course church membership/attendance is not salvific in any way, but a Christian is sinning by not being in a biblical church. What is the criteria for deciding what church to go to? Who is to make the decision on what church to attend? Well, of course the husband and wife should discuss it together and try to come to an agreement on which church to attend. But when it is all said and done, if they cannot agree, the wife is to submit to the husband on what church to attend. He is the one ultimately responsible to God for the spiritual leadership of his family. What’s the criteria for which church to go to? Well the minimum is that they hold to the fundamentals of the biblical historical faith including believing that the bible is the word of God, who God is, the Person and Work of Christ, baptism, the Lord’s Supper, etc (it is not my intent to go into all of the details here). The best church to go to would be most churches that call themselves reformed or sovereign grace baptist[ic]. But a church that proclaims God’s word expositorally, and is there to glorify God and honor the Lord Jesus Christ in the worship and service of Him. Family Worship instead of being so quick to separate the children. Too many professing Christians today decide on a church based on how many programs there are for children and adults, if they are being made to feel good and have a good experience, entertaining speaker and service, etc. Sad state of affairs indeed. However regardless of where the family lives, making sure that there is a good biblical church in the area should be the top priority. These days, most in the body of Christ base where they live on comfort, convenience, job, etc., and then just hope there is a good church there. This ought not to be. Where ever you live, make sure there is a good God glorifying, Christ honoring, bible centered, sovereign grace church within what ever distance you are willing to drive so that it does not hinder your regular worship and service to Him. And be reasonable on the vacations. As the years have gone by, I have seen more and more Christians put recreation on too high of a priority so that they miss more church services on the Lord’s day than they do weeks of vacation from their jobs. I’m not talking about getting legalistic about it, but let’s use some wisdom, amen? I just can’t help but wonder that
if God meant for His people to take off a certain amount of Sundays, He would have told us to not worship Him in a service that day ;- ) and just close the doors of the church. Remember that as Christ’s gift to the church, you also have particular gifts to use for God’s honor and glory and the building up if His people. When you are not there, your gifts are not being used, no matter what they are (teaching, exhortation, helps, etc). When you are not there it is like the body being without an arm or leg or other part of the body. Other than being sick because of God’s Providence, I don’t think Christians should miss more than three-four Sundays a year for vacations. And when it comes right down to it, a Christian that loves the Lord, His Word, and His Church won’t “want” to miss the opportunity to worship and serve Him in the church the husband and wife has called home. Family is important. But weekly worship is part of family life and worship. I have seen numerous families use “family” as an excuse to not worship and serve the Lord as they ought. And when I talk of family worship in the local church, that includes the children regardless of their age, and as long as they live under your roof (which is something else we will look at later). We cannot separate the love and worship of Jesus Christ from His Church. Indeed it is His church, He is the head, He is building it.
The Husband-Wife Relationship
A biblical relationship between the husband and wife is crucial to having a godly family and holy church. Most have probably heard the statistics that one out of every two new marriages end up in divorce. There are many professing Christians that end up in divorce and are in 2nd or more marriages. It is the responsibility of the local church, and not non-church ministries to help and teach husbands and wives to have godly, biblical relationships. This will probably be the longest section of this article, but here are some biblical and practical suggestions that will help:
1. The husband is to love his wife as Christ loves the church and have Himself for her (Eph.5:25). There is so much that we can get out of this truth. Just as our Lord Jesus Christ loved, served, and gave Himself for the church, so also the husband should do the same for his wife. The husband serves his wife by meeting her needs as he protects her, and provides for her spiritually, physically and emotionally. He’s willing to give his life for her, and tries to treat her the same way Christ treats His people. That certainly leaves no room for physical and emotional abuse, does it? Just as Christ has a pure and special love for His church, so the husband should have a pure and special love for his wife only. The husband is to be a “one woman man,” not someone hoping, waiting or looking for an adulterous relationship, or even trying to walk that line. The husband is to love his wife regardless of whether or not the wife is doing her part. If Jesus stopped loving His people every time we didn’t do what we’re supposed to, we would be in big trouble. But the husband also needs to be the leader of his family in all areas of family life ranging from issues with the children, to finances. While many times, thanks to the fallen nature that is not completely eradicated after salvation, the wife doesn’t want the husband to be the God-appointed leader he should be, many times wives want their husbands to be the biblical leader he is supposed to be, and the husbands don’t want to do it. We need husbands and fathers to be men in the biblical sense, with Jesus being the perfect example. Jesus was meek. Meekness carries with it the idea of “power in control.” Let’s pray, encourage and teach men to be the husbands and fathers (as they apply) that God would have them to be, starting with this article.
2. The wife is to submit to her husband as unto the Lord, just as the church is subject to Christ (Eph. 5:22-24). It is amazing how many times professing Christians will want to say this is cultural, but have no problem with believing that the husband loving his wife as Christ love the church is not cultural. The wife submitting to her own husband is no less cultural than the church submitting to Christ. What does submission mean? Well, there is no doubt that this includes obeying. But does this mean the wife has no say-so? Of course not. But there is a biblical and practical way for the wife to discuss things with her husband. We get this principle from 1Cor. 14:34-35 that says: “The women are to keep silent in the churches; for they are not permitted to speak, but are to subject themselves, just as the Law also says. If they desire to learn anything, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is improper for a woman to speak in church.” This would also be wise to do outside of the local church assembly as
well. Wives are to discuss issues and differences with the husbands at home and do everything they can by the grace of God to come to an agreement. However if they do not agree, the wife is to submit to her husband, as he is the one responsible to the Lord for leading his family. She is not to grumble and complain about it, but support her husband in the decision before her children, family, brothers and sisters in Christ, and friends. The only time the wife is not to submit to her husband is when it involves sin. But even then, it is to be done with a meek and quiet spirit. The wife is to submit to her husband regardless of whether or not the husband does his part. She is to honor and respect her husband, even as Sarah obeyed Abraham and called him lord (1Pet. 3:6).
3. The wife’s primary responsibility and “career” should be homemaker. This is mentioned in several places in God’s Word (1Tim. 5:14; Tit. 2:5; Pr. 7:11). Some Christians misunderstand Pr. 31 and think that is supporting wives having a career, but it doesn’t. Pr. 31 is talking about the resourcefulness of the wife in her taking care of so much for the family with her home as her base. Many Christian Financial experts such as the late Larry Burkett say that the wife/mother has to make a considerable sum of money for it to be financially worth her working full time. But what else suffers when she works full time? Well for one thing, when we see the woman is considered the weaker vessel (1Pet.3:7), there is an excessive burden put on her when she functions as a wife, mother, and co-provider. The wife has a divided allegiance between her husband and employer. If the wife works while there are children, and is not there for her children, then someone else is raising them, and the mother is just not there as she should be. We also need to be honest about another problem that comes about as a result of so many women being in the work place with men: Sexual sins and divorce. Men and woman in the work place are away from the trials and problems that come with family life. Men and women usually look, smell and act their best while they are at work. Adultery and divorce is high as a result of so many women being in the work place working side by side with men for 40 hours or more a week. It is the husband that is ultimately responsible for providing for his wife and family. I realize that it is not always easy to “make ends meet” financially, but we also need to think about what “ends” we are trying to meet. How many vehicles, what kind of vehicles, what size home, decks, boats, and on and on it goes. These of course are not evil in of themselves, but when the wife works to have these extra things, we should take a hard look if it is worth it, in light of biblical responsibilities for the family. I realize that there are families in different stages of the life: Before children, children in school, and children grown, carries different levels of responsibilities, but all that’s been said in this section still needs to be considered. As mentioned earlier in this article, this is something that the husband and wife need to consider and discuss before they get married. But God’s way will always be the best way. Again, let’s be careful not to be too quick to label these things “legalism” and/or pass it off as being a part of today’s culture. It is still in the word of God!
4. I also have a short article called “Prescriptions For A Better Marriage.” I copy that here for your consideration and God’s glory:
1. Both the husband and wife are trusting in the Person and the Death, Burial and Resurrection
of Jesus Christ alone with a repentant faith for the payment of their sins.
2. Both the husband and wife believe the bible is God's word, and the final authority in their lives.
3. Both the husband and wife are members of the same Church that believes in the authority and sufficiency of the bible and teaches it, attends the church regularly, and uses their gifts for
local church ministry.
4. The husband is the leader of the family, loves his wife as Christ loved the church and gave
Himself for her, and does not provoke his children unto anger.
5. The wife submits herself to her husband's biblical authority in everything unless it is sin including finances, jobs, raising the children, family issues and important decisions.
6. The husband and wife should continue to "court" one another. Go out for dinner and do things
together as a couple without the kids. Be willing to pay for a babysitter if necessary, but rely on
your church family or physical family to do it for no charge. Talk to one another.
7. Husband, indeed work hard for your family during the week, but use wisdom so that you are
there with your family as much as possible. Work five or six says a week, but set Sunday aside to worship with your family, rest and spend time together as a family.
8. Husband and wife, spend time in God's Word and prayer regularly. Try to do this together as a couple as well. Find the best time daily or several times a week to do this.
9. Wife, pray for your husband regularly, daily if at all possible.
10. Husband and wife, spend some intimate time together and have sexual relations on a regular basis to help keep your relationship close and to help prevent any temptations you may have.
11. Husband and wife, be respectful of one another in public whether or not you're both present.
Try not to do anything to embarrass one another when together, considering the above.
12. Husband and wife, you will argue [shock]. Do everything possible to resolve it before you go
to sleep for the night. Do not use words such as "he/she always..." or "he/she never..."Divorce should never be an option and the word should not be used. Always remember the biblical principals mentioned above. Remember that you both will face various levels of stress and that neither of you are perfect. Remember that forgiving one another applies just as much to you as with anyone else.
What About the Military?
Being that we live and minister in an Air Force town, I realize this can be a touchy topic. We have to deal with reality, but we also have to remember that biblical principals apply the same to military people as they do to non military people. As with anything in life, we are to submit to the governing authorities unless they contradict the ord of God. I realize that Christians in the military cannot help it when they PCS, go TDY, and work on Sundays. And of course we have to consider the differences during wartime. But I think Christians need to use biblical wisdom and caution when considering the military, especially as it relates to marriage and family, whether already in the military and considering marriage or already married and considering military. I have talked to several Christians in the military who are not going to encourage their children to get in because of the influence of our society on the military. I am most thankful to the Lord and our branches of military (whether they are saved or not). But because I love our brothers and sisters in Christ in the Military, I am concerned about their walk, service, and worship to the Lord as well. Here are some things for our consideration:
1. 1Cor. 7:3-5 talks of the importance of the husband and wife not depriving one another sexually except for a time for prayer and fasting to prevent possible temptation. This biblical principal doesn’t change for Christians in the military. The divorce rate is high among unsaved military couples. Yet Paul is writing this to “Christians” in Corinth and has concerns over they being tempted as well. This is why Christians need to be careful and consider this if someone is already in the military and considering marriage, if a couple is already married and the military is being considered.
2. Transfers to other bases is another area that should be considered. I realize that there is not always a choice the “where” let alone the “when.” But if there is a choice of “where” or “when” the local church should be the first consideration and the top priority. For example, of John and Jane Doe have a choice between City A and City B and only City B has a sovereign grace baptistic church there, shouldn’t City B be they one they should consider the most? We have been blessed with numerous ways we can find out about churches around the country and even world. Let’s not make recreation, scenery, distance, etc. our most important reason for deciding where to go. This same principal applies to if there is a choice to go or stay, as well.
3. What about vacations? I dealt with it earlier in the article in the “Priority of Being a Member of a Good Biblical Church” section. Christians in the military should not be any different. Now, I’m not talking about mandatory trips (although that too should be considered before getting in). I’m referring to weekend and longer voluntary vacations. Whether in the military or not, we will not find any support in the word of God for recreation and amusement having a priority over our worship and service to God through His church. As a matter of fact, the word of God says the opposite (Jam. 1:27; 4:4; 1Jn.2:15-17). Again, there is nothing wrong with vacations in of itself, in moderation. But missing 5, 6, 7, or more Sundays for recreation and amusement is not good in my opinion, and not pleasing to the Lord. May the Lord give us wisdom as we consider this as well.
4. Church or Chapel? The word of God tells us how church should be. Yes, it is to include the ordinances of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, but it is more than just that. There is to be accountability and discipline; God’s people using their God-given spiritual gifts; worship in Spirit and Truth; solid biblical preaching and teaching so God’s people with grow in grace and be conformed to the image of Christ; equipping the saints; and the biblical gospel that includes dealing with sin, repentance and faith in the Person and Finished Work of Christ alone for salvation, in the local church. Will you find these in Base Chapels? I think not in most cases, as many Christians in the military have already attested to.
Let me say, that I don’t know what it is like to be in the military. The draft was over before I got to my eighteenth birthday, and I never voluntarily joined any of the branches of our military. But perhaps the Lord wants to use me and these words form a non military perspective to keep a balance. May the Lord receive the glory He alone deserves as we consider these things.
The Priority of Being a Member of a Good Biblical Church
Well, going on the assumption that the husband and wife are not unequally yoked, and are of like faith, let us move on to the importance of being a member of a biblical local church. There is not much dispute, that the importance of being a member of a good biblical local church is downplayed by many professing Christians. Some think that church attendance is not important. Others think that church attendance is good but membership is not important. When we look at the purpose of the local church, we also see why Christians are to go. Of course church membership/attendance is not salvific in any way, but a Christian is sinning by not being in a biblical church. What is the criteria for deciding what church to go to? Who is to make the decision on what church to attend? Well, of course the husband and wife should discuss it together and try to come to an agreement on which church to attend. But when it is all said and done, if they cannot agree, the wife is to submit to the husband on what church to attend. He is the one ultimately responsible to God for the spiritual leadership of his family. What’s the criteria for which church to go to? Well the minimum is that they hold to the fundamentals of the biblical historical faith including believing that the bible is the word of God, who God is, the Person and Work of Christ, baptism, the Lord’s Supper, etc (it is not my intent to go into all of the details here). The best church to go to would be most churches that call themselves reformed or sovereign grace baptist[ic]. But a church that proclaims God’s word expositorally, and is there to glorify God and honor the Lord Jesus Christ in the worship and service of Him. Family Worship instead of being so quick to separate the children. Too many professing Christians today decide on a church based on how many programs there are for children and adults, if they are being made to feel good and have a good experience, entertaining speaker and service, etc. Sad state of affairs indeed. However regardless of where the family lives, making sure that there is a good biblical church in the area should be the top priority. These days, most in the body of Christ base where they live on comfort, convenience, job, etc., and then just hope there is a good church there. This ought not to be. Where ever you live, make sure there is a good God glorifying, Christ honoring, bible centered, sovereign grace church within what ever distance you are willing to drive so that it does not hinder your regular worship and service to Him. And be reasonable on the vacations. As the years have gone by, I have seen more and more Christians put recreation on too high of a priority so that they miss more church services on the Lord’s day than they do weeks of vacation from their jobs. I’m not talking about getting legalistic about it, but let’s use some wisdom, amen? I just can’t help but wonder that
if God meant for His people to take off a certain amount of Sundays, He would have told us to not worship Him in a service that day ;- ) and just close the doors of the church. Remember that as Christ’s gift to the church, you also have particular gifts to use for God’s honor and glory and the building up if His people. When you are not there, your gifts are not being used, no matter what they are (teaching, exhortation, helps, etc). When you are not there it is like the body being without an arm or leg or other part of the body. Other than being sick because of God’s Providence, I don’t think Christians should miss more than three-four Sundays a year for vacations. And when it comes right down to it, a Christian that loves the Lord, His Word, and His Church won’t “want” to miss the opportunity to worship and serve Him in the church the husband and wife has called home. Family is important. But weekly worship is part of family life and worship. I have seen numerous families use “family” as an excuse to not worship and serve the Lord as they ought. And when I talk of family worship in the local church, that includes the children regardless of their age, and as long as they live under your roof (which is something else we will look at later). We cannot separate the love and worship of Jesus Christ from His Church. Indeed it is His church, He is the head, He is building it.
The Husband-Wife Relationship
A biblical relationship between the husband and wife is crucial to having a godly family and holy church. Most have probably heard the statistics that one out of every two new marriages end up in divorce. There are many professing Christians that end up in divorce and are in 2nd or more marriages. It is the responsibility of the local church, and not non-church ministries to help and teach husbands and wives to have godly, biblical relationships. This will probably be the longest section of this article, but here are some biblical and practical suggestions that will help:
1. The husband is to love his wife as Christ loves the church and have Himself for her (Eph.5:25). There is so much that we can get out of this truth. Just as our Lord Jesus Christ loved, served, and gave Himself for the church, so also the husband should do the same for his wife. The husband serves his wife by meeting her needs as he protects her, and provides for her spiritually, physically and emotionally. He’s willing to give his life for her, and tries to treat her the same way Christ treats His people. That certainly leaves no room for physical and emotional abuse, does it? Just as Christ has a pure and special love for His church, so the husband should have a pure and special love for his wife only. The husband is to be a “one woman man,” not someone hoping, waiting or looking for an adulterous relationship, or even trying to walk that line. The husband is to love his wife regardless of whether or not the wife is doing her part. If Jesus stopped loving His people every time we didn’t do what we’re supposed to, we would be in big trouble. But the husband also needs to be the leader of his family in all areas of family life ranging from issues with the children, to finances. While many times, thanks to the fallen nature that is not completely eradicated after salvation, the wife doesn’t want the husband to be the God-appointed leader he should be, many times wives want their husbands to be the biblical leader he is supposed to be, and the husbands don’t want to do it. We need husbands and fathers to be men in the biblical sense, with Jesus being the perfect example. Jesus was meek. Meekness carries with it the idea of “power in control.” Let’s pray, encourage and teach men to be the husbands and fathers (as they apply) that God would have them to be, starting with this article.
2. The wife is to submit to her husband as unto the Lord, just as the church is subject to Christ (Eph. 5:22-24). It is amazing how many times professing Christians will want to say this is cultural, but have no problem with believing that the husband loving his wife as Christ love the church is not cultural. The wife submitting to her own husband is no less cultural than the church submitting to Christ. What does submission mean? Well, there is no doubt that this includes obeying. But does this mean the wife has no say-so? Of course not. But there is a biblical and practical way for the wife to discuss things with her husband. We get this principle from 1Cor. 14:34-35 that says: “The women are to keep silent in the churches; for they are not permitted to speak, but are to subject themselves, just as the Law also says. If they desire to learn anything, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is improper for a woman to speak in church.” This would also be wise to do outside of the local church assembly as
well. Wives are to discuss issues and differences with the husbands at home and do everything they can by the grace of God to come to an agreement. However if they do not agree, the wife is to submit to her husband, as he is the one responsible to the Lord for leading his family. She is not to grumble and complain about it, but support her husband in the decision before her children, family, brothers and sisters in Christ, and friends. The only time the wife is not to submit to her husband is when it involves sin. But even then, it is to be done with a meek and quiet spirit. The wife is to submit to her husband regardless of whether or not the husband does his part. She is to honor and respect her husband, even as Sarah obeyed Abraham and called him lord (1Pet. 3:6).
3. The wife’s primary responsibility and “career” should be homemaker. This is mentioned in several places in God’s Word (1Tim. 5:14; Tit. 2:5; Pr. 7:11). Some Christians misunderstand Pr. 31 and think that is supporting wives having a career, but it doesn’t. Pr. 31 is talking about the resourcefulness of the wife in her taking care of so much for the family with her home as her base. Many Christian Financial experts such as the late Larry Burkett say that the wife/mother has to make a considerable sum of money for it to be financially worth her working full time. But what else suffers when she works full time? Well for one thing, when we see the woman is considered the weaker vessel (1Pet.3:7), there is an excessive burden put on her when she functions as a wife, mother, and co-provider. The wife has a divided allegiance between her husband and employer. If the wife works while there are children, and is not there for her children, then someone else is raising them, and the mother is just not there as she should be. We also need to be honest about another problem that comes about as a result of so many women being in the work place with men: Sexual sins and divorce. Men and woman in the work place are away from the trials and problems that come with family life. Men and women usually look, smell and act their best while they are at work. Adultery and divorce is high as a result of so many women being in the work place working side by side with men for 40 hours or more a week. It is the husband that is ultimately responsible for providing for his wife and family. I realize that it is not always easy to “make ends meet” financially, but we also need to think about what “ends” we are trying to meet. How many vehicles, what kind of vehicles, what size home, decks, boats, and on and on it goes. These of course are not evil in of themselves, but when the wife works to have these extra things, we should take a hard look if it is worth it, in light of biblical responsibilities for the family. I realize that there are families in different stages of the life: Before children, children in school, and children grown, carries different levels of responsibilities, but all that’s been said in this section still needs to be considered. As mentioned earlier in this article, this is something that the husband and wife need to consider and discuss before they get married. But God’s way will always be the best way. Again, let’s be careful not to be too quick to label these things “legalism” and/or pass it off as being a part of today’s culture. It is still in the word of God!
4. I also have a short article called “Prescriptions For A Better Marriage.” I copy that here for your consideration and God’s glory:
1. Both the husband and wife are trusting in the Person and the Death, Burial and Resurrection
of Jesus Christ alone with a repentant faith for the payment of their sins.
2. Both the husband and wife believe the bible is God's word, and the final authority in their lives.
3. Both the husband and wife are members of the same Church that believes in the authority and sufficiency of the bible and teaches it, attends the church regularly, and uses their gifts for
local church ministry.
4. The husband is the leader of the family, loves his wife as Christ loved the church and gave
Himself for her, and does not provoke his children unto anger.
5. The wife submits herself to her husband's biblical authority in everything unless it is sin including finances, jobs, raising the children, family issues and important decisions.
6. The husband and wife should continue to "court" one another. Go out for dinner and do things
together as a couple without the kids. Be willing to pay for a babysitter if necessary, but rely on
your church family or physical family to do it for no charge. Talk to one another.
7. Husband, indeed work hard for your family during the week, but use wisdom so that you are
there with your family as much as possible. Work five or six says a week, but set Sunday aside to worship with your family, rest and spend time together as a family.
8. Husband and wife, spend time in God's Word and prayer regularly. Try to do this together as a couple as well. Find the best time daily or several times a week to do this.
9. Wife, pray for your husband regularly, daily if at all possible.
10. Husband and wife, spend some intimate time together and have sexual relations on a regular basis to help keep your relationship close and to help prevent any temptations you may have.
11. Husband and wife, be respectful of one another in public whether or not you're both present.
Try not to do anything to embarrass one another when together, considering the above.
12. Husband and wife, you will argue [shock]. Do everything possible to resolve it before you go
to sleep for the night. Do not use words such as "he/she always..." or "he/she never..."Divorce should never be an option and the word should not be used. Always remember the biblical principals mentioned above. Remember that you both will face various levels of stress and that neither of you are perfect. Remember that forgiving one another applies just as much to you as with anyone else.
What About the Military?
Being that we live and minister in an Air Force town, I realize this can be a touchy topic. We have to deal with reality, but we also have to remember that biblical principals apply the same to military people as they do to non military people. As with anything in life, we are to submit to the governing authorities unless they contradict the ord of God. I realize that Christians in the military cannot help it when they PCS, go TDY, and work on Sundays. And of course we have to consider the differences during wartime. But I think Christians need to use biblical wisdom and caution when considering the military, especially as it relates to marriage and family, whether already in the military and considering marriage or already married and considering military. I have talked to several Christians in the military who are not going to encourage their children to get in because of the influence of our society on the military. I am most thankful to the Lord and our branches of military (whether they are saved or not). But because I love our brothers and sisters in Christ in the Military, I am concerned about their walk, service, and worship to the Lord as well. Here are some things for our consideration:
1. 1Cor. 7:3-5 talks of the importance of the husband and wife not depriving one another sexually except for a time for prayer and fasting to prevent possible temptation. This biblical principal doesn’t change for Christians in the military. The divorce rate is high among unsaved military couples. Yet Paul is writing this to “Christians” in Corinth and has concerns over they being tempted as well. This is why Christians need to be careful and consider this if someone is already in the military and considering marriage, if a couple is already married and the military is being considered.
2. Transfers to other bases is another area that should be considered. I realize that there is not always a choice the “where” let alone the “when.” But if there is a choice of “where” or “when” the local church should be the first consideration and the top priority. For example, of John and Jane Doe have a choice between City A and City B and only City B has a sovereign grace baptistic church there, shouldn’t City B be they one they should consider the most? We have been blessed with numerous ways we can find out about churches around the country and even world. Let’s not make recreation, scenery, distance, etc. our most important reason for deciding where to go. This same principal applies to if there is a choice to go or stay, as well.
3. What about vacations? I dealt with it earlier in the article in the “Priority of Being a Member of a Good Biblical Church” section. Christians in the military should not be any different. Now, I’m not talking about mandatory trips (although that too should be considered before getting in). I’m referring to weekend and longer voluntary vacations. Whether in the military or not, we will not find any support in the word of God for recreation and amusement having a priority over our worship and service to God through His church. As a matter of fact, the word of God says the opposite (Jam. 1:27; 4:4; 1Jn.2:15-17). Again, there is nothing wrong with vacations in of itself, in moderation. But missing 5, 6, 7, or more Sundays for recreation and amusement is not good in my opinion, and not pleasing to the Lord. May the Lord give us wisdom as we consider this as well.
4. Church or Chapel? The word of God tells us how church should be. Yes, it is to include the ordinances of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, but it is more than just that. There is to be accountability and discipline; God’s people using their God-given spiritual gifts; worship in Spirit and Truth; solid biblical preaching and teaching so God’s people with grow in grace and be conformed to the image of Christ; equipping the saints; and the biblical gospel that includes dealing with sin, repentance and faith in the Person and Finished Work of Christ alone for salvation, in the local church. Will you find these in Base Chapels? I think not in most cases, as many Christians in the military have already attested to.
Let me say, that I don’t know what it is like to be in the military. The draft was over before I got to my eighteenth birthday, and I never voluntarily joined any of the branches of our military. But perhaps the Lord wants to use me and these words form a non military perspective to keep a balance. May the Lord receive the glory He alone deserves as we consider these things.