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Sermon Outline: "The Application of the Word of God" By Pastor Bret Lovitz of Grace Fellowship of Mountain Home, ID (

“The Application of the Word of God”
Preached at Cornerstone Community Baptist Church
By Pastor Bret Lovitz on Feb. 22, 2006

I Introduction

A) Opening Remarks, Reminder About How Pastor Chris and I Know Each Other.

B) My Concern For God’s Church and Burden Over Recent and Past Experiences Over How Some Professing Christians Struggle With the Preaching of God’s Word on Commands and Against Sin.

II Reading of Supportive Texts Acts 17:10-11;Rom.2:4-8;2Cor.7:8-10;2Tim.3:17-4:4; Heb.4:12-13

III Tonight’s Message

A) The Responsibility of the Pastor-Elder to Proclaim the word of God.
1. The Whole Counsel of God By Expository Preaching and Teaching Acts 20:27.
2. Dealing With Specific Needs of the Church Through Topical & Textual Preaching
Acts 20:28; 1Pet.5:1-2.

B) The Responsibility of the Sheep to Receive and Apply (Obey) the Word of God Acts 2:41;11:1; 17:1;1Th.2:13;Jam.1:21;1Pet.2:1-2.

C) How God’s People React to the Word of God.
1. It Will Not Return Void, But Will Accomplish That Which God Pleases and Sent it For Is.55:11 2. Those God is Drawing Will Receive It Jn.6:44,65; Jam.1:18; 1Pet.1:23
3. Everyone Else Will Reject It Inwardly or Outwardly Rom.10:9-17; Jn.12:37-40; Is.53:1

D) How God’s People Can Process and Apply the Word of God.
1. Now that we have seen why people will receive and reject the word of God, let’s look at biblical and practical ways to process and apply God’s word, especially those toe-stepping dos and don’ts.
2. As we have already seen, be eager to receive the word of God while searching the Scriptures to make sure they are so Acts 17:11; 1Th.2:13.
3. When the Holy Spirit brings about conviction because we’re not living right, remember…
a) It may sting, it may hurt, but this is God’s chastisement that will bring the peaceable fruits of righteousness Heb.12:6-12. Spurgeon Said: "There is no trouble like genuine conviction of sin."
b) The grace and mercy of God, and righteousness and blood of Christ that forgives all of our sins.
c) The goodness of God that leads to repentance Rom.2:4.
d) That this is producing godly sorry that leads to repentance 2Cor.7:8-10.
e) Thank and Praise God for who He is, and what He is doing Eph.5:20; 1Th.5:18.
f) Ask God to give you the strength to do what you need to do Phlp.4:13.
g) Repent and obey Him. Let’s Be Doers of the Word, Not Hearers [and Grumblers] Only.

IV Conclusion and Prayer

A) Bible Centered Churches See Many People Come In and Out Because of the Word of God. Many Times It Is Just Because They Have Not Received a New Nature/Heart.

B) But We Don’t Want To Rule Out the Possibility, That New, Immature, and Struggling Christians Who May Wrongly Believe That Elders Aren’t Supposed To Focus On Not Sinning and Keeping God’s Commandments and Just Let the Spirit Work as They Respond to the Love of God in Christ, are Genuinely Saved, and Just Need Help in the Area Such as What I’ve Shared This Evening.

C) Spurgeon Also Said: "Unless we do have deep awe of the word we shall never have high joy over it. Our rejoicing will be measured by our reverencing."

D) May God be Pleased To Use This, and Receive the Glory That He Deserves, From His People.


Steve said…
excellent outline instruction Bret .... GBU

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