I sure need to be humbled from time to time. Including doctrinally. It's amazing how we can still from time to time, read something in a text that isn't there. I was checking out a website from a person that is Church of Christ, and whose wife comes to our study or church once in a while (awkward situation that I can't share). Anyway, we know that even cults are right about some things. This man wrote an article as a lesson on exegesis (ironic isn't it?) that involed the Samaritan Woman in John 4. What he pointed out, and what I was guilty of, is the assumption that the woman had been married and divorced 5 times. I even checked out some commentaries about it, and found that this fellow was not alone. Not only do we not know for sure why she had 5 husbands, we can't be absolutley sure that she was living in sin with the man she was with at the time Jesus talked to her. I mean it's possible that she married and divorced some or all of those 5 men and was living in sin with that last man, but we can't be sure. Thank you Lord for you grace and patience.
Well, I needed somethign to post, and this has been on my mind for several days.
Soli Deo Gloria!
Well, I needed somethign to post, and this has been on my mind for several days.
Soli Deo Gloria!