"A Friendly Challenge To Pastors Pt.2" From Grace Ref.Bapt.Ch. (www.grbc.net/resources/newspaper/a_friendly_challenge_to_pastors_2.php)
A Friendly Challenge to Pastors (Part 2)
Ephesians 5:23 states simply that Christ is head of the church. That statement reflects the truth that Christ is the incarnate God, the redeemer of His people, the risen Lord Who has been exalted to God's right hand and given the name that is above every name. The church was given to Him before the foundation of the world and He came in time and purchased it for Himself. The church exists because of Christ and it exists for His glory supremely. It is the happy lot of the church to be under the gracious and righteous rule of the living, glorified Christ.
However, there is a problem: far too often Christ is not treated as the Head of His church. Far too often other wills have priority over His will in the affairs of the church. This can be seen in many areas, I will name a few:
1. The preaching of the Gospel: The Gospel is the declaration of Christ, His person and His work. It is the explanation that He has satisfied the claims of Divine Justice with reference to humans who have sinned and incurred God's wrath. The Gospel explains that Christ invites repentant sinners to come to Him by faith and thus enter into the safety of His death and resurrection. The object of the Gospel is Christ. The aim of Gospel preaching is to entreat people to come to Him. Too often however, the emphasis is placed upon actions to be performed by the sinner. People are instructed to come to the front of the church and speak with the pastor or others. The impression is given that by so doing they are coming to Christ. But, that is not the case. Coming to Christ is a heart matter. Others may answer questions, but coming to Christ is a matter of calling on Him from the heart. No one is an intermediary with Christ. People must go directly to Him by faith. No one can do that for them or with them. It is an individual and spiritual matter. Placing any activity between the person and Christ is a hindrance not a help.
2. The doctrine: Sound doctrine is only that which is taught in the Scriptures. But it is also all that is taught by the Scriptures. Sadly, it is frequently considered imprudent to teach all that Scripture teaches because some members of the church are not of the same opinion as the Scripture. Reverencing the Headship of Christ surely involves the determination to believe and to teach all that Christ has deemed worthy of inclusion in His Word! Sensitivity is appropriate as to how and when to introduce difficult subjects; however there should be no question but that all the counsel of God will be taught.
3. The order of the church: In the Pastoral Epistles, especially, Christ directed the Apostle Paul concerning the proper order of His church, the house of God. ( See 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus.) In these epistles we are taught such things as who is qualified to serve as pastors and deacons in the church, and what are the major elements of worship. It is a serious rejection of Christ's headship to ignore or violate these instructions. How often this is done in the name of cultural sensitivity! One example, it is specified that the pastor is to be the husband of one wife and that women are not permitted to teach or to exercise authority over men in the church. There are theological reasons for this. It is the will of Christ clearly stated. With increasing regularity His will is being disregarded. Which is an insult to Christ and a grief of the Holy Spirit.
My challenge to God's pastors is this: lead your churches to respect and obey the rule of Christ. The church is not a democracy, it is a theocracy—Christ is King. His Word alone has authority. Therefore, if we would honor Him and know His blessing upon the church, we must magnify His will above our own, or above that of our denominational traditions, or above that of the people. After all, if our congregations refuse to be taught and to obey the will of Christ, are they truly His churches?
Ephesians 5:23 states simply that Christ is head of the church. That statement reflects the truth that Christ is the incarnate God, the redeemer of His people, the risen Lord Who has been exalted to God's right hand and given the name that is above every name. The church was given to Him before the foundation of the world and He came in time and purchased it for Himself. The church exists because of Christ and it exists for His glory supremely. It is the happy lot of the church to be under the gracious and righteous rule of the living, glorified Christ.
However, there is a problem: far too often Christ is not treated as the Head of His church. Far too often other wills have priority over His will in the affairs of the church. This can be seen in many areas, I will name a few:
1. The preaching of the Gospel: The Gospel is the declaration of Christ, His person and His work. It is the explanation that He has satisfied the claims of Divine Justice with reference to humans who have sinned and incurred God's wrath. The Gospel explains that Christ invites repentant sinners to come to Him by faith and thus enter into the safety of His death and resurrection. The object of the Gospel is Christ. The aim of Gospel preaching is to entreat people to come to Him. Too often however, the emphasis is placed upon actions to be performed by the sinner. People are instructed to come to the front of the church and speak with the pastor or others. The impression is given that by so doing they are coming to Christ. But, that is not the case. Coming to Christ is a heart matter. Others may answer questions, but coming to Christ is a matter of calling on Him from the heart. No one is an intermediary with Christ. People must go directly to Him by faith. No one can do that for them or with them. It is an individual and spiritual matter. Placing any activity between the person and Christ is a hindrance not a help.
2. The doctrine: Sound doctrine is only that which is taught in the Scriptures. But it is also all that is taught by the Scriptures. Sadly, it is frequently considered imprudent to teach all that Scripture teaches because some members of the church are not of the same opinion as the Scripture. Reverencing the Headship of Christ surely involves the determination to believe and to teach all that Christ has deemed worthy of inclusion in His Word! Sensitivity is appropriate as to how and when to introduce difficult subjects; however there should be no question but that all the counsel of God will be taught.
3. The order of the church: In the Pastoral Epistles, especially, Christ directed the Apostle Paul concerning the proper order of His church, the house of God. ( See 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus.) In these epistles we are taught such things as who is qualified to serve as pastors and deacons in the church, and what are the major elements of worship. It is a serious rejection of Christ's headship to ignore or violate these instructions. How often this is done in the name of cultural sensitivity! One example, it is specified that the pastor is to be the husband of one wife and that women are not permitted to teach or to exercise authority over men in the church. There are theological reasons for this. It is the will of Christ clearly stated. With increasing regularity His will is being disregarded. Which is an insult to Christ and a grief of the Holy Spirit.
My challenge to God's pastors is this: lead your churches to respect and obey the rule of Christ. The church is not a democracy, it is a theocracy—Christ is King. His Word alone has authority. Therefore, if we would honor Him and know His blessing upon the church, we must magnify His will above our own, or above that of our denominational traditions, or above that of the people. After all, if our congregations refuse to be taught and to obey the will of Christ, are they truly His churches?