Ouch, and amen! PB
Whining and whimpering?
(Thomas Brooks, "Heaven on Earth" 1667)
"My Beloved is mine, and I am His!" Song 2:16
"I know," says the spouse, "that Jesus Christ
is mine! I can with the greatest confidence
and boldness affirm it. He is . . .
my Head,
my Husband,
my Lord,
my Redeemer,
my Justifier,
my Savior.
And I am His!
I am sure that I am His.
I am His by purchase;
I am His by conquest;
I am His by election;
I am His by covenant;
I am His by marriage;
I am wholly His;
I am specially His;
I am universally His;
I am eternally His!"
A well-grounded assurance will make a man . . .
patient in waiting,
courageous in doing,
cheerful in suffering.
It will make a heaven in a man's heart--on
this side heaven; and make him go singing
into paradise, despite all of life's calamities
and miseries--as he realizes that he is . . .
everlastingly chosen and beloved of God,
that God's heart is set upon him,
that his name is written in the book of life,
that there is laid up for him a crown of righteousness,
and that nothing shall be able to separate him from
Him who is his light, his life, his crown, his all in all.
Ah, Christians! only remember what Christ has done for
you, and what He is still a-doing for you in heaven, and
what He will do for you to all eternity--and you will not be
able to spend your days in whining and whimpering.
Christians, your mercies are greater than your miseries!
One hour's being in the bosom of Christ, will recompense
you for all your trouble and travail on earth! Why, then,
do you spend more time in sighing, than in rejoicing?
Grace Gems (choice electronic books, sermons & quotes)
Sovereign Grace Treasures (choice printed books)
Whining and whimpering?
(Thomas Brooks, "Heaven on Earth" 1667)
"My Beloved is mine, and I am His!" Song 2:16
"I know," says the spouse, "that Jesus Christ
is mine! I can with the greatest confidence
and boldness affirm it. He is . . .
my Head,
my Husband,
my Lord,
my Redeemer,
my Justifier,
my Savior.
And I am His!
I am sure that I am His.
I am His by purchase;
I am His by conquest;
I am His by election;
I am His by covenant;
I am His by marriage;
I am wholly His;
I am specially His;
I am universally His;
I am eternally His!"
A well-grounded assurance will make a man . . .
patient in waiting,
courageous in doing,
cheerful in suffering.
It will make a heaven in a man's heart--on
this side heaven; and make him go singing
into paradise, despite all of life's calamities
and miseries--as he realizes that he is . . .
everlastingly chosen and beloved of God,
that God's heart is set upon him,
that his name is written in the book of life,
that there is laid up for him a crown of righteousness,
and that nothing shall be able to separate him from
Him who is his light, his life, his crown, his all in all.
Ah, Christians! only remember what Christ has done for
you, and what He is still a-doing for you in heaven, and
what He will do for you to all eternity--and you will not be
able to spend your days in whining and whimpering.
Christians, your mercies are greater than your miseries!
One hour's being in the bosom of Christ, will recompense
you for all your trouble and travail on earth! Why, then,
do you spend more time in sighing, than in rejoicing?
Grace Gems (choice electronic books, sermons & quotes)
Sovereign Grace Treasures (choice printed books)