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"The Diary of a Madman, OR...I've Got a Dream" by Bret Lovitz

The Diary of a Madman, OR...
I've Got a Dream

We certainly live in an interesting time as Christians. On one hand, we don't come anywhere close to the persecution that Jesus, the Apostle Paul, and the rest of the early church faced. We don't even come close to what the Reformers, Puritans, and many current Christians in places like China and Islamic countries go through.

Yet, in these finite temples where sin still dwells, we are victims of our culture. At least I think that I am. The first part of the title of this article, blog, what ever you want to call it, I heard somewhere. Without racking my brain (which would hurt), I can't remember if it is a title of a book, article, movie, or what? The second part or alternate title, I'm sure most of us have heard came from the lips of Martin Luther King Jr. (whom I'm neither condoning or accusing in this writing).

Please bear with me in my folly as I dream, wish, rant, complain, grumble, etc. about issues regarding the "church" and what I hope for on this side of glory as a Christian, but perhaps more so as a Pastor.

I've got a dream that those who call themselves Christians, who really believe that they have been born from above and are therefore trusting in the Person and Work of Christ alone with a repentant faith, and therefore say they love the Lord and His word, would desire to be in a church that glorifies God, honors Christ, and proclaims the word of God expositorally, line by line, precept by precept, verse by verse in thebooks/letters and chapters of the bible at a time,
accepting the authority and sufficiency of the word of God in their lives and the lives of others including the salvation of their souls. I know we can't snatch everyone out of existing churches that don't do that, and that we have to allow for growth and overcoming those traditions which we have been trained to accept, but I am amazed by how many Christians visit our church or churches like our's (which are still many, but few in comparison), and move on because they do
not like or cannot accept verse by verse expository preaching.
I've got a dream, that people would so be into the word of God, study it comparatively and rightly, letting it say what it means without putting preconceived beliefs, traditions and experiences ahead of that. And in so doing, by the grace of God, have more unity and less division in the body of Christ. I know the reaction may be " but you are inferring that your beliefs would be the correct ones." Yes, I guess so. Somebody (speaking of churches and like-faith groups, not just individuals) has to be mostly correct. Doing this and the "dream" above should bring more people to accept such things as the sufficiency of Christ's atonement, doctrines of sovereign grace, water baptism being important but not regenerative or salvific and for believers only, the biblical role of women in the home and church, co-equal plurality of elders for local church government, and more.

I've got a dream that either many churches would repent of adding to and/or compromising the gospel, entertaining, psychologizing :- ), easy believism and livism, being more man-centered than God-centered, the disorderly unutterable unintelligible tongues, name it and claim it prosperity, God's will is to heal all the time and if He doesn't the person didn't have enough faith, or that those who are Christ's sheep would flee those churches and go to a church that holds to the "dreams" I have shared above.

I've got a dream that God's people would use tithing as a "guideline" for their giving to the local church. That IF they give to other ministries (another dream that I'll share later), that they will not take away from their church giving. That they would remember their responsibility to the local church's expenses, and not reduce it because they have extra expenses in buying "things," eating out, and going on vacation. That as long as God permits these parachurch ministries to exist, the leaders of all of these ministries would tell the folks they ask to give, to keep their church first and not ask them to lower their current giving or tithing.

I've got a dream that there would be no parachurch "ministries," and all those ministries out there would be under the oversight of the elders and Christians of one or more churches. That on one hand the church would "wake up" to the needs of the people, but that on the other hand, God's people would realize and trust in the sufficiency of the word of God, prayer, and people of God (encouragement and fellowship) to get us through any trials that we face in this

I've got a dream that God's people would not leave the local church that God has placed them in based on the word of God, unless there is false or heretical teaching, unrepentant sin not being dealt with in the local body, sin that is not dealt with in the leadership, or because God has called them to a particular ministry in a particular church. Just because we have a greater choice of
churches with our modern modes of transportation or even locally, doesn't mean we should treat Christ's Church like gas stations and stores, and just shop around regularly.

I've got a dream that God's people will develop a priority once again for the local church in their lives so that if they are prayerfully considering moving to another area of the country (or even world for that matter), that they would make sure there is a doctrinally sound God glorifying, Christ honoring Church that has expository preaching and teaching as central and primary in the worship service. So many times these days, Christians move to an area for various reasons (jobs, type of area they prefer to live in, etc.) and don't check to see of a biblical church is there, only to often find that there isn't such a church there within reasonable driving distance after they have already moved, and end up compromising in which church they attend, or stop going to church.

I've got a dream, that church membership in the church would be as such, and the tithing/giving would be as such, that I would be able to be fully supported by the church and not have to work outside of the church, so I could more easily devote my energy to the study of the word of God, preparation of the weekly messages and studies, and spend more time with the Lord in prayer, while being more disciplined by the grace of God with the time He has given me.

I've got a dream, that God's people would be so in love with Him and His Church that they would do everything possible to be in God's House with God's people to do what we were created and redeemed to do and worship Him and enjoy Him forever together, and with things in our control, not consider it even an option to work during the worship services and doing other "things" that could be done either after the service or on another day. That we as God's people would minimize our vacations (I personally prefer that people only miss 2-4 Sundays a year) and even "leaves" (whether job or military related) when we have the ability to control it. That we would be so "caught up" in the things of the Lord and serving Him, that all other desires so pale in comparison that they would rather be and stay at the church God placed them in rather than moving somewhere else for something that has no real spiritual eternal significance. That the congregation would see the importance of being present in the local church, yes to use their God-given gifts of the Spirit, but also to encourage one another and the encouragement it brings the pastor when they are at church and intently listening to the sermon message with the desire to appy it and obey it. That when they miss church for reasons other than sickness etc, it can greatly discourage the pastor, especially if it is regular or often.

I've got a dream that at a minimum, God's people would set aside the personal differences and preferences so that churches of like faith in the same towns and cities could merge, worship and serve the Lord together, from the congregation to the elders of the church's involved. This requires humility and sacrifice both in action and giving by the grace of God.

I've got a dream that God's people in the broader universal church would learn to disagree while respecting one another as fellow creations of God and professing brothers and sisters in Christ. That we would realize and remember the biblical admonishions of also encouraging and forgiving one another and what is said in Eph.4:32. That we would not use the fact that we cannot be seen and maybe heard while behind a computer as an opportunity to act in ways that we wouldn't when we're face to face and/or in the local church.

I've got a dream that those who are God's people would not let personality and methodology differences as a result of an unfortunate pastor change at the local churches fulfill the temptation to leave the church for those reasons, and that pastors/elders would not move around to different churches so much just because it is bigger or pays more.

I've got a dream that all of Christ's churches would realize that it is possible to have biblically and doctrinally sound, godly Christian men as pastors/elders that have not been "formally" trained at a seminary or bible college. That while there is certainly nothing wrong with bible college and seminary education, that doesn't necessarily mean that the Holy Spirit will work through and use them only or more than someone else indwelt with that same Holy Spirit that has not been to seminary or bible college. That God's Spirit can also give non seminary/bible college trained pastors/elders convictions, burdens, and visions for reformation of the centrality and primacy of preaching God's word expositorally and try by God's grace to restore the church back to where it should be according to the word of God.

I've got a dream that God's people would pause to consider why some churches and more and more churches are returning to family integrated worship, and give churches that are doing this a chance and eventually see the spiritual advantages of having children in the worship service with Mom and/or Dad (if it is a one parent family).

I've got a dream, that if indeed Jesus did not come the 2nd time already as asserted by the Full Preterists, which I don't believe He did, that He would be pleased to come back for His church in my lifetime, if He would be pleased to do so.

I've got a dream that God's people wouldn't take too firm of a stand on eschatology other than the future second coming of Christ and resurrection of the just and unjust. There is so much symbolism, spiritualizing, and apocolyptic langauge, I just don't think any of us can be dogmatic about any of the millenial and tribulational views. That everyone would just become pan-millenial just like me :- ).

I've got a dream that my family, and wife's family would be saved by putting their trust in the Person and Finished Work of Christ alone with a repentant faith as a result of the regenerating power of the holy Spirit as He effectually and irresistible calls and draws them according to His purpose and good pleasure.

I've got a dream that Grace Fellowship would be a Lighthouse and bright beacon of hope and truth, and that God may be pleased to send as many lost sheep, unchurched saved sheep, and false churched sheep from the LDS, JW's, Roman Catholics, Episcopols, liberal churches, charismatic and pentacostal churches, and gospel compromising, insufficient atonement believing, entertaining churches, as He wills, to Grace Fellowship so that they may hear the biblical gospel and grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ to be conformed to His image.

Are these the rantings of a madman? I have struggled with emotions and discouragement ranging from being fired up more to evangelize the community to seeing why AW Pink was one day out of the ministry and church and how that may apply to me. May God forgive me if I have sinned against Him in my folly. May God's people who read this see my heart and desires behind the dreams I have mentioned, and not take anything personally. May some how, some way, God receive the glory He rightly deserves as a result of this writing.

Brother Bret Lovitz


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