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"Thoughts On The Larry Craig Scandal" By Chuck Baldwin

Thoughts On The Larry Craig Scandal
By Chuck Baldwin
September 7, 2007

This column is archived at

The recent bathroom sex scandal involving Republican Idaho Senator Larry Craig has become a political hornet's nest. However, to those who are privy to the real-life goings-on among the political elite in Washington, D.C., this comes as no surprise.

Extracurricular sexual activity in Washington, D.C., is about as uncommon as thunderstorms in the summertime. The element igniting the fires of the media and the public in general, however, is that the Craig scandal involves another Republican legislator and homosexuality.

You see, Karl Rove and Company (along with their willingly gullible Christian pastor accomplices) have convinced rank-and-file conservatives, many of whom are Christians, that the GOP is the "family values" party. Some even go so far as to call it "God's Party." Obviously, Larry Craig, Mark Foley, David Vitter, et. al have done much to tarnish this image.

As a pastor for more than three decades, I have witnessed a plethora of sexual failures. Men and women, even Christian men and women, are all weakened with a sinful nature. Some are more vulnerable to certain sins than others, and with a current culture that is awash in sexual promiscuity, temptations of the flesh have never been greater.

The pastor side of me understands the need for redemption and forgiveness. If I was personally acquainted with Senator Craig, I would be more than willing to minister healing to him and his family.
Of course, in Senator Craig's case, he has admitted no wrongdoing and asked for no help. Even God does not help a person who will not ask for it.

That being said, it behooves me to address the underlying problem behind the Larry Craig scandal. The real problem that this scandal unearths is the widespread influence that homosexuality has within the GOP. Ladies and Gentlemen, the GOP elephant is not red; it is pink.
That is a fact that rank and file conservatives within the GOP either don't know or don't want to know. But it is getting harder and harder to keep that fact a secret.

If anyone really wants to learn the facts about how homosexualists have taken over the Republican Party, I encourage them to read Alan Stang's blockbuster new book entitled "Not Holier Than Thou," which is published by Patton House. Here is Alan's web site:

Alan was one of Mike Wallace's original writers. He was a business editor at Prentice-Hall. He is a radio talk show host, and has done stints on the American Freedom Network and the Republic Broadcasting Network. He is the author of several books, as well as hundreds of feature articles in national magazines. His book, "Not Holier Than Thou," is an in-depth look at how homosexualists have taken over the Republican Party in Washington, D.C. It is an eye-opener, to say the least.

Stang notes that as far back as 1989 the Washington Times published a monumental front-page story that began, "A homosexual prostitution ring is under investigation by federal and District authorities and includes among its clients key officials of the Reagan and Bush administrations, military officers, congressional aides and US and foreign businessmen with close social ties to Washington's political elite, documents obtained by The Washington Times reveal."

Remember, that was just the first paragraph, and it appeared not in a liberal newspaper, but in the conservative Washington Times.

Stang also points out numerous homosexual prostitutes that have had free access to the White House under Republican administrations, including the current one. Stang also notes that Karl Rove's father was a homosexual, a fact that may have contributed to his mother's suicide.

Obviously, everyone on the planet knows that Vice President Dick Cheney's daughter, Mary Cheney, is a lesbian. Is it a coincidence that Mrs. Dick Cheney, Lynne, wrote a lesbian novel entitled "Sisters"?

Stang also reminds readers that President G.W. Bush was "a member of Skull & Bones at Yale, which apparently involves bizarre, secret sex rituals including coffins. He has visited the Bohemian Grove in northern California, the site of other secret sex rituals."

Should we be surprised, therefore, that despite campaigning as a born again Christian, President Bush has not repealed a single pro-homosexual Executive Order given by President Bill Clinton or that he has appointed as many (if not more) openly gay men to high government positions as did Bill Clinton? The list includes high profile homosexuals such as Paul Cellucci, Michael Guest, Stephen Herbits, Scott Evertz, Mark Dybul, Israel Hernandez, Joseph O'Neill, Arthur James Collingsworth, and on and on. According to Stang, "He [Bush] has given organized sodomy considerable control over the federal government."

Obviously, homosexuals have not been limited to the Republican White House. As the Times stated, the GOP congressional caucus is also shaded in pink. Remember David Dreier and Mark Foley? And please don't forget the cross-dressing Republican presidential frontrunner Rudy Giuliani.

Remember, too, that it was the Republican Newt Gingrich who came to the defense of homosexual Democratic Congressman Barney Frank when he was discovered running a homosexual prostitution ring out of his apartment. Of course, Newt has a lesbian sister and has often publicly praised homosexuals in Congress for the "courage" they show by running for office.

The list of this kind of nonsense never seems to end. Get Alan Stang's book, and read it for yourself. You'll see how Mitt Romney routinely facilitated the homosexual agenda while he was Governor of Massachusetts and how California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger currently does the same thing.

It is no hyperbole to say that the Larry Craig affair is merely the tip of the iceberg--and it is a very big iceberg.

All of this is not to say that homosexualists do not hold sway over the Democrat Party also. They do. The difference is, conservative Christian voters have been thoroughly duped into believing that the Republican Party in general, and President G.W. Bush in particular, are above it all. They are not. They are in it up to their eyeballs.

Sooner or later, conservatives, Christians, constitutionalists, and other traditionalists must wake up to the reality that both major parties in Washington, D.C., are immersed in all kinds of corruption.
We must clean house! And I mean the House of Representatives, the U.S.
Senate and the White House. We cannot depend on the two major parties to police themselves or to be faithful to their duties to the American people. We must begin electing independent men and women to public office. Men and women who have not been bought by big money interests.
Men and women who truly understand their constitutional obligations.
Men and women who adhere to basic honesty and integrity.

Obviously, we have good men and women running in almost every race.
The problem is the media (which has its own problems with integrity) will not give such people a fair hearing. Furthermore, most people (conservative Christians included) have bought into the antiquated "they can't win" mantra, which precludes them from supporting the really good people who accept the challenge to enter a political race.
Accordingly, people victimize themselves through self-fulfilling prophecy.

In the meantime, homosexualists will continue to dominate both major parties and we will continue to be subjected to Larry Craig-type scandals. One would think that, sooner or later, the American people would have enough.

(c) Chuck Baldwin


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Ottofire said…
Purging the political parties will do what exactly? Will suddenly everything be perfect? Men in power will no longer be tempted by that power? We will always have unregenerate and sinful people in the government. We have better things to do than search bathrooms for Senators on the prowl.

Our main focus should not be on the government. We need to proselytize our nation, the people, not the attempt to purify the government. We need to get back to serving God, and we proclaim the Gospel, even if it would mean our death by the hands of the government, for it is all for God's good purpose.
Pester Brat said…
Dear OttoFire:

Thank you for your response. How did you find this post? Do i know you under another nickname or handle? Anyway, I agree with you. I don't agre with everything that Chuck Baldwin says but like to post his commentaries to get his perspective and think about what the balance is. I do think that we as Christians should participate in the "process" but voting for candidates for President, Senator, Governor, etc. based on biblical principles. I think we should let our congressman know where we stand on issues based on biblical principles as well. But it is the gospel that the Holy Spirit uses to changes lives, not the legislation of morality. I will actually be touching on this on the next broadcast of our radio ministry Biblically Correct on Saturday Sept. 15th beginning at 12 Noon Mountain Time. If you don't live in the Boise, Idaho area you can listen through the radio station's website at and clicking on one of the KBXL 94.1 FM links. Thanks again for your thoughts on this article.

Bret Lovitz
Pastor of Grace Fellowship
Host of Biblically Correct
Ottofire said…
Brother Bret,
I agree that being political active is an important responsibility for any citizen, and that we should be electing moral and decent people, and preferably Christians.

The question of a purge sounded a bit like a witch hunt. I have left the idea that politics will solve most moral problems though. That is why I have completely lost my faith in any party.
The Republicans are the Democratic party of the past, following the same route, only a few decades behind. I think that the evangelicals need to not put all their eggs in one basket, but use the stick and carrot on both parties. If we allow the Republicans to continue on the route they are taking, we will be under hate crime laws and late term abortions on demand without parental consent, just a few years later than we would under the Democrats.

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