With all that has been going on in our country, I have been interested in the War Between The Southern States and U.S. Government off and on. It's not something that I hope happens again, but...
If I understand my history right, and I have been wrong before (once or twice, haha), the North did not defeat the South, the South defeated itself. Abraham Lincoln's main goal was not freeing the slaves, but rather preserving the Union. He is quoted as saying that if he could preserve the Union by freeing the slaves he would do that, and if he could preserve the Union by not freeing the slaves he would do that. Slavery was and is wrong. But the 10th Amendment did and does allow for states to secede from the Union. If it comes to that again, and if the Lord tarries it may, we need to use wisdom and expect that the Federal Government likely will not allow states to secede from the Union just like 150+ years ago. Even so Lord Jesus come.
~ Pester Brat
If I understand my history right, and I have been wrong before (once or twice, haha), the North did not defeat the South, the South defeated itself. Abraham Lincoln's main goal was not freeing the slaves, but rather preserving the Union. He is quoted as saying that if he could preserve the Union by freeing the slaves he would do that, and if he could preserve the Union by not freeing the slaves he would do that. Slavery was and is wrong. But the 10th Amendment did and does allow for states to secede from the Union. If it comes to that again, and if the Lord tarries it may, we need to use wisdom and expect that the Federal Government likely will not allow states to secede from the Union just like 150+ years ago. Even so Lord Jesus come.
~ Pester Brat