Well, as some of you know, my wife and I were in Estes Park, CO for a pastor's conference this past Monday through Wednesday. The theme this year was "The Balanced Minister." There were 5 sessions: The Balanced Devotional Life; The Balanced Study Life; The Balanced Home Life; The Balanced Shepherding Life; The Balanced Exemplary Life. They were all very convicting. Each pastor that came up to preach on the topics were very humbled and admitted that they were not where they should be in each area. I ordered CD's for all 5 sessions so I can listen again ,and share it with the Elders or anyone else that would like to listen to them. There were also numerous reports by various missionaries in different areas of service. Italy, Spain, Philippines, Indonesia, two schools, and more were represented. I will be sharing some info with my fellow Elders ;-). The conference also got me thinking about some other things as well. Those from the church (and anyone else that wants too...
Musings and ponderings about current events, the economy, politics, and more, from a backslidden Christian that still believes the gospel and that the bible is the word of God. Expect some of my posts to seem hypocritical if you know me and my situation. My beliefs have not changed, and I still have the same concerns and convictions. Please be civil if you comment.