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The Pope, Mormonism, and Terry Shiavo

What do the three of these have in common? Nothing, maybe. Just three issues that I want to share my concerns about.
The Pope: Anyone who has known me knows that I have no love for the Pope's and Roman Catholic Church's teachings. Whether it is them, or any other church or group, be it Baptist, Charismatic, Protestant, etc., anyone who teaches that good works helps save, and in an insufficient sacrifice by the Lord Jesus Christ and who He is, is teaching a false gospel and is the means of damning souls to hell. The only things that sadden me about Pope John Paul II are that unless he was granted a repentant faith just before he died, of his works based beliefs, he is in Hell today waiting for the Great White Throne Judgment to be cast into the Lake of Fire; and the fact that he did not get to tell the millions he has proclaimed a false gospel to, that he was teaching a false gospel, if there would have been repentance and time to tell them. This of course is not popular to say, especially these days with the unbiblical tolerance that is pushed on our society. But because of love for the Lord first and foremost, and the souls of people, these things need to be said. Salvation is only through the Person and Finished Work of the Lord Christ through His sufficient, substitutionary, satisfactory sacrifice and resurrection. Any one, group, organization, or 'church' that preach and teach otherwise, are preaching and teaching a false gospel. Good works is the essence and evidence of a living saving faith, but do contribute to our salvation one iota. May the Lord be pleased some how to use this time to save many works believing Roman Catholics (and yes I realize there are other problems as well), and receive the glory that HE alone deserves. It will be interesting to see what happens with the process and selection of the next Pope.
Mormonism: A local pastor friend told me the other day, that he believes that due to some problems in Utah years ago that caused many Mormons to move north, that there are more Mormons in Idaho than Utah. Today, on a local television station out of Boise, Idaho, I watched part of the LDS' General conference. If the prayers for the so called 12 Apostles weren't bad enough, what really got me was the two songs the 'choir' sang: "All The Way My Savior Leads Me" and even a worse song about reading the "Holy Scriptures."What deception! What blindness! If they would only read the Holy Scriptures, the word of God which is only in the bible from Genesis 1 through Revelation 22 accompanied by the Holy Spirit's regeneration. But of course when they say/sing that, they are also referring to the false teachings of the Book of Mormon, Pearl of Great Price, and Hidden Treasure (going on memory here regarding their titles). May the Lord be pleased to use me, my pastor friend Bob, and any of His people as an instrument of proclaiming God's word so that many Mormons in our city will be saved.
Terry Shiavo: I haven't commented much on this case because I haven't read as much as many others have. But if the information I have read is accurate, there is a great sin of murder being committed by Terry's husband with the some in the government as accomplices. Whether it is her husband's adultery causing a lack of credibility in his word about her desire to die, or the fact that there is no record of a living will left by Terry. There are many people that need assistance to remain alive. Does this mean that their loved ones have a right to have their life terminated? No, of course not. But we knew that with the problems of abortion and assisted suicide that it would continue to get worse. I don't claim to have all of the answers when it comes to the technology the Lord has blessed us with, and how to apply it "to the person dying and their wishes." But no one has the right to take the life of another outside of war and capital punishment. That is murder, whether in or out of the womb. Lord, have mercy on us because of this and many other sins.
Well, I guess these three issues did have something in common. They are all examples of the depraved, unregenerate heart. While we need to continue to take a stand on the word of God regarding these things and more, we need to remember that were it not for the grace of God, there would we/I be. We need to continue to love and pray for the world, our country and leaders, one another, and the body of Christ. Lord, help me to be wise as a serpent, but harmless as a dove. Help me to continue to speak the truth in love, and fear not he who can destroy the body, but He who can destroy both body and soul in Hell. Lord forgive me of my sins, and give me wisdom and humility to be a better husband, father, pastor-teacher, brother in Christ, friend, and citizen. Yet my citizenship here is temporary, and my ultimate citizenship is in Heaven, all because of Grace and Christ. Soli Deo Gloria!


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