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"Majoring On The Minors" Part 2

"Majoring On The Minors" Part 2

I would like to list several more areas that I have come across as a Christan and pastor. If any of these affect you, and you would like to pray and talk about it together, please let me know. Even if doesn't apply to you and you want to talk about, let me know. I am so burdened and concerned about these things, and I love the Lord AND His people.

22. Christians, including those who embrace the doctrines of sovereign grace, that do not have the High Biblical view of Christ's Church so that they do not make it the top priority when deciding about where to live. Christians that do not have a sovereign grace baptistic church close to them should either 1) Make the drive to one; 2) Start one if qualified to, or have qualified elders start one; 3) Move close to one.

23. Christians that will not make the committment to be members of such churches.

24. Christians that will not serve the Lord with the gifts God has given them, in such churches.

25. Christians that are not willing to commit the whole "Lord's Day" to the Lord and therefore act like there is something in God's word about stopping at 12noon or 12 something, and don't want to spend hours together in worship, study and fellowship on the Lord's Day.

26. Christans that actually leave the church (left this out of the closely related one in part one) because they didn't get their way, got their feelings hurt, won't forgive, etc. even though some of these very people do the same things themselves at times. Some of these same Christians don't realize that if they leave the church for unbiblical reasons, they shouldn't be able to go to another church of like faith if such church follows the word of God like they should, in this area.

27. Similar to the one on legalism in Part 1, Christians that believe that certain things are sin themselves when it is only the abuse of them that is sin. Examples would be clothes, music, instruments (like drums), television, etc.

28. Parents not acting Christ-like with other parents when their children are having problems with each other. Parents should not let their children's problems with each other affect their relationship, and should work to resolve and reconcile the situation with each other in the meantime, and asking for the Elders' help if necessary.

29. Putting man's laws over God's law when there is a conflict.

30. Showing favortism in the church by not reaching out to each one equally, such as who fellowships with whom after church, getting together for lunch or dinner, and other forms of hospitality and fellowship.

31. Those that do not have a consistant prayer and study life, including such things that can help as: Family Devotions for families with school aged children, Couples Devotions, Personal Devotions, Systematic study at home. Such prayer should include regularly praying for your pastor and elders :-)

32. Being quick-tempered, ill-mannered, grumpy, and guided by emotions generally or when making decisons which usually means such person has not even prayed about it.

By the way, I know I'm am not perfect, and would appreciate you pointing out those shortfalls in me. Just not all at once, okay? ;-) Love in Christ............Pastor Bret


Pester Brat said…
Thanks Dave for pointing this out. As we discussin in church today, I was only focussing on a certain aspect of this post: Our responsibility to do these things, but that the responsibility is also for these things I listed that are often considered minor by many professing Christians.

It is common to deal with a certain aspect of a topic in this case the responsibilities of Christians without deal with the "cause." Even the word of God does that. God will give the commands without the cause in some places, the cause without the commands in some places, and the cause and command together in some places. For example, often in Scripture God will tell people to repent, but there are only two places in the word of God that tell us that God is the cause of repentance {using the word repentance, it of course is implied in other places where God deals with the cause of salvation} (Acts 11:18; 2Tim.2:25).

Indeed, we cannot do anything that God commands us to do unless we are walking in Spirit, being filled with the Spirit, etc. But we are no less responsible to obey God in "all" things if we are not "walking in the Spirit." Even unbelievers are still responsible to obey God's commands (Do not murder, steal, commit adultery, etc.) even though they are not indwelt with the Holy Spirit.

Some people (not necessarily saying it is you, that's between you and the Lord) that profess to be Christians seem to get their feathers ruffled over the idea of being obedient to God's commands, laws, rules, statutes, precepts, etc. For some them it could be a pride/submission problem. For some others it could just be a struggle over a misunderstanding in their desire of not being "legalistic."

Whe we see something in God's word, our responsibility is to do it, plain and simple. Not when it feels right, or when we 'think' we are able, etc. But God's word also teaches us that it is He that enables us through the Holy Spirit that regenerated, sealed and sanctified us. Even the mentioning of God's people to be "filled with the Spirit" is a command by God and responsibility for us to do (which i think you mentioned in church today). In other words, when God's word tells us not to gossip, when we don't so it (because we are not walking in and being filled with the Spirit) God doesn't say "okay, it is not a sin now because you weren't walking in My Spirit." God commands us, we are responsible, yet praise His name He enables us to do it through His holy Spirit.

So then, my beloved, just as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure. (Phlp 2:12-13).

Thanks again Dave, for pointing out that it is indeed necessary for God's people to be walking in His Spirit to be able to able to obey God's commands AND also major on the minors. It indeed will flow 'naturally' from those who are born again and being filled with His Spirit. Soli Deo Gloria!

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