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"10 Reasons Why I Tithe" By Pastor Bret Lovitz of Grace Fellowship

“10 Reasons Why I Tithe” By Pastor Bret Lovitz
Grace Fellowship of Mtn. Home, ID

Tithing is another one of those subjects where there is disagreement in the Body of Christ. My family and I have been tithing off of our income since 1988. I’m not saying that to try to show that I’m right or better than anyone else, because I’m not. It is just something that I have done as a personal conviction and preference because I believe it is general principal taught in God’s Word. I do think that both Christians and the Church are better off for tithing. Some churches mandate it as a requirement for membership, and some like our Church leave it between each Christian and the Lord.
I would like to share why I tithe, because I think that the church local, and the church universal would be better off for it.

1. I tithe because Abraham tithed to Melchizedek before the Law was given to Moses.

2. I tithe because Jacob tithed before the Law was given to Moses.

3. I tithe because tithing was instituted “officially” in the Law given to Moses.

4. I tithe because Jesus condoned the Pharisee’s tithing even though they lacked justice, faith & mercy.

5. I tithe because even though the New Testament is relatively silent on the issue, there is nothing saying that God’s people should not tithe.
6. I tithe because I think tithing (10%) is an equitable way for all of God’s people to support their local church. A tithe for someone on a fixed income of $800 a month is $80. A tithe for someone who makes $4000 a month is $400.
7. I tithe because I think it is a general principal taught throughout God’s word and I want to set an example as a Christian and Pastor.
8. I tithe because if the nation of Israel tithed to support their priests and theocracy, then I think Christians should tithe to support the elders salary and church costs and ministries.
9. I tithe because the government gets their percentage, so how much the more should the local church.
10. I tithe because it is the best way for me give the first fruits of my increase and keep the local church as the priority over all other financial obligations, entertainment and recreation, and purchases.

I realize that we cannot be dogmatic about tithing because of it not being specifically commanded in the New Testament. But what I have seen over the years is a different attitude and priority placed on the financial support of the local church. Some people not tithing when they are not present or on vacation from church; people only giving if they have something left over after all of their bills are paid AND entertainment and recreation is done; some people making minor or major purchases with little or no regard of how that may affect their giving to the local church temporarily or more permanently. I just want to try to be an example by the grace of God by giving the first and best, and make the local church the priority that it should have because it is Christ’s Church. It is my hope that the Lord will use this as He sees fit, so others will at least give financially with the right attitude, whether or not it is a literal tithe. But as for me and my house, we will give at least a tithe of all our income.


Paladin said…
Don't tithe. Just ask God what to give. Its part of having a relationship.
Anonymous said…
"we cannot be dogmatic about tithing because of it not being specifically commanded in the New Testament"

Why even have the Old Testament in your Bible? What nonsense.

"Just ask God what to give." Why ask? He's already told us.
Pester Brat said…
Thank you both for your responses. Well, it looks like we have one person that is against tithing, and another person that is in favor of tithing.

Tithing (one tenth) is neither commanded or forbidden in the New Testament. While we should have the same attitude regarding church tithing/giving, I don't think the passages of Scripture in 1Cor.16 & 2Cor.9 can be used to support not tithing because they are referring to a special collection that was taken up for the poor Christians in Jerusalem. Jesus did condone the tithing of the Pharisees in Mt.23:23 & Lk.11:42, but that was for national Israel, not the church.

"Don't Tithe, just ask God?" And how does God answer you? Audibly? Conviction? Are you sure it is Him, or may it be your mind and emotions? How do you know that God hasn't told me to tithe? Is it a different amount each week? Is it governed by other expenses? When it came to the collection for the poor Christians in Jerusalem, it was to be "as God purposes in 'your' heart," not "ask God and He will tell you." So if that situation applies to church giving, than so will that principal.

I certainly agree with the anonymous poster that we should not disregard the Old Testament, that is why I believe the principal of tithing is still there. Nonsense? Well, I'm in favor of tithing. But if you can show me where in the word of God is says that Christians are to tithe to the "church" then I will be dogmatic about it and say those who do not tithe to the church are sinning. I believe the principal applies because I believe that God's people are to take care of the needs of the church, including the elders' salary in the same way that the Levites and nation of Israel was taken care of through the tithing of the Hebrews. BUT, the church is not Israel. Again, the local church members are responsible for taking care of church expenses, but it doesn't say it has to be through literal tithes.

This "article" was written for a particular reason. Just because I'm a pastor-elder doesn't mean that I have all biblical teachings right. I would like to think that I'm teachable on this by the grace of God. Show me where it says Christians are to tithe to the local church, and I will proclaim this to God's people in our local church.

Thanks again for both of your responses.

Pastor Bret Lovitz

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