The ministry is not for the weak minded. Yet, we are all weak minded apart from the grace of God in Christ.
Professing Christians that say they love the Lord and His word yet by their actions are rejecting it. Even those things that as Peter said about Paul's writings, are hard things to understand that the untaught and unstable twist to their own destruction (2Pet.3:15-16). I believe that Peter had at least the doctrines of sovereign grace in mind here. I have seen over and over again, people who are supposed to be indwelt with the Holy Spirit reject these teachings to one degree or another as it manifests itself one way or another. Sometimes using other excuses instead of being honest with what the real issue is. As an expository preacher/teacher, am I to skip over certain verses because they were already dealt with in another book of bible, or another chapter of the same book? Or even in the same passage but dealing with the teaching from a different perspective. Am I to make sure I give equal time to each teaching in a passage if one or more of them is disagreed upon in the body of Christ so I make sure it is biblical?
Then some of these people will leave the church making themselves the priority instead of their brothers and sister in Christ, whether the elders, those they minister with, or the whole local body.
Is dealing with this kind of thing why AW Pink left the church? Even what prompted Joseph Smith to form the LDS? I'm tired of the way we treat each other, whether it is the local church, E-mail discussion lists, or Paltalk.
Even so Lord Jesus come...Please pray!!!
Professing Christians that say they love the Lord and His word yet by their actions are rejecting it. Even those things that as Peter said about Paul's writings, are hard things to understand that the untaught and unstable twist to their own destruction (2Pet.3:15-16). I believe that Peter had at least the doctrines of sovereign grace in mind here. I have seen over and over again, people who are supposed to be indwelt with the Holy Spirit reject these teachings to one degree or another as it manifests itself one way or another. Sometimes using other excuses instead of being honest with what the real issue is. As an expository preacher/teacher, am I to skip over certain verses because they were already dealt with in another book of bible, or another chapter of the same book? Or even in the same passage but dealing with the teaching from a different perspective. Am I to make sure I give equal time to each teaching in a passage if one or more of them is disagreed upon in the body of Christ so I make sure it is biblical?
Then some of these people will leave the church making themselves the priority instead of their brothers and sister in Christ, whether the elders, those they minister with, or the whole local body.
Is dealing with this kind of thing why AW Pink left the church? Even what prompted Joseph Smith to form the LDS? I'm tired of the way we treat each other, whether it is the local church, E-mail discussion lists, or Paltalk.
Even so Lord Jesus come...Please pray!!!