Ten Reasons For Being Repetitious and Emphasizing Certain Doctrines
By Bret Lovitz, Pastor and Co-Elder of Grace Fellowship
It has recently come to my attention that there are a few people in our local church fellowship, that may be concerned about why certain doctrines are dealt with repeatedly, especially those teachings we call the "Doctrines of Sovereign Grace." It is my hope that while I prayerfully consider these concerns, that you will also prayerfully consider the reasons why we (as Elders) and I (as Pastor) have been doing this. While this article may focus mostly on the "Doctrines of Sovereign Grace" it will also apply to other teachings as well, such as: Baptism, End Times, Church Accountability & Discipline, Role of Women in the Church, Husband-Wife Relationship, and more.
1. As the old saying goes, repetition is the "mother of all learning." This principal applies in the learning of the word of God, as well as learning things in the world. Most if not all Christians realize that and have no problem with it generally.
2. The Congregation changes. There are visitors sometimes, and there may be newer attenders and members that may not have heard these teachings.
3. Existing members may know the doctrines but believe them nominally and not convincingly.
4. Existing members may believe the doctrines but cannot defend them.
5. Existing members may believe the doctrines but cannot teach them.
6. Existing members may believe the doctrines and teach them, but can't teach others to teach them.
7. Often, Christians don't have have a problem with other teachings being repeated, but have a problem with just certain teachings being repeated. They need to ask themselves (and the Lord) why that is.
8. The "Doctrines of Sovereign Grace" and some other teachings are considered "controversial" in the body of Christ, so more time is spent on them to help show why we believe our teaching of it is correct.
9. It promotes worship and praise for who God is, and all He has done through Christ for undeserving, unworthy, unable sinners like us.
10. While we have a tendency to lump the "Doctrines of Sovereign Grace" (maybe we should stop calling them that) all together, they are not all the same (sovereign election is not the same as Christ's definite and particular atonement, and Christ' atonement and election are not the same as the effectual call and preserving of God's people. We should not treat them all as one anymore than the God-breathed writers did most of the time. Yes we catagorize the teachings as that, and we believe they all stand or fall together, but they are not the same. These teachings are also often dealt with from different perspectives. Sometimes it is to promote the greatness of the grace of God, sometimes it is to promote Kingdom and right living for God's people, and sometimes it is to encourage God's people in the Faith.
I am in regular fellowship and discussion with many pastors and elders of like faith through e-mail discussion lists, chat rooms, etc. Could many of us be wrong? Yes, it's possible. But I have not talked with one yet, that says we should change our method of preaching (expository preaching) or skip verses because they were recently dealt with. It is my responsibility to consider who is in my "hearing" and where they are in their understanding of various teachings. I don't do that perfectly. But if you are a Christian that is in a place that you believe it, can defend it, teach it, and teach others to teach it. Then be understanding of those around you. Remember, that we are "all" members of the local body. Focus on the word of God, and worship Him through it. Don't think anything less of the word of God being repeated every so often, then you would worshipping Him in song through the same songs we repeat every so often. Sometimes two weeks in a row.
May the Lord use this for His glory and draw us closer to Him and one another we all prayerfully consider these things.
By Bret Lovitz, Pastor and Co-Elder of Grace Fellowship
It has recently come to my attention that there are a few people in our local church fellowship, that may be concerned about why certain doctrines are dealt with repeatedly, especially those teachings we call the "Doctrines of Sovereign Grace." It is my hope that while I prayerfully consider these concerns, that you will also prayerfully consider the reasons why we (as Elders) and I (as Pastor) have been doing this. While this article may focus mostly on the "Doctrines of Sovereign Grace" it will also apply to other teachings as well, such as: Baptism, End Times, Church Accountability & Discipline, Role of Women in the Church, Husband-Wife Relationship, and more.
1. As the old saying goes, repetition is the "mother of all learning." This principal applies in the learning of the word of God, as well as learning things in the world. Most if not all Christians realize that and have no problem with it generally.
2. The Congregation changes. There are visitors sometimes, and there may be newer attenders and members that may not have heard these teachings.
3. Existing members may know the doctrines but believe them nominally and not convincingly.
4. Existing members may believe the doctrines but cannot defend them.
5. Existing members may believe the doctrines but cannot teach them.
6. Existing members may believe the doctrines and teach them, but can't teach others to teach them.
7. Often, Christians don't have have a problem with other teachings being repeated, but have a problem with just certain teachings being repeated. They need to ask themselves (and the Lord) why that is.
8. The "Doctrines of Sovereign Grace" and some other teachings are considered "controversial" in the body of Christ, so more time is spent on them to help show why we believe our teaching of it is correct.
9. It promotes worship and praise for who God is, and all He has done through Christ for undeserving, unworthy, unable sinners like us.
10. While we have a tendency to lump the "Doctrines of Sovereign Grace" (maybe we should stop calling them that) all together, they are not all the same (sovereign election is not the same as Christ's definite and particular atonement, and Christ' atonement and election are not the same as the effectual call and preserving of God's people. We should not treat them all as one anymore than the God-breathed writers did most of the time. Yes we catagorize the teachings as that, and we believe they all stand or fall together, but they are not the same. These teachings are also often dealt with from different perspectives. Sometimes it is to promote the greatness of the grace of God, sometimes it is to promote Kingdom and right living for God's people, and sometimes it is to encourage God's people in the Faith.
I am in regular fellowship and discussion with many pastors and elders of like faith through e-mail discussion lists, chat rooms, etc. Could many of us be wrong? Yes, it's possible. But I have not talked with one yet, that says we should change our method of preaching (expository preaching) or skip verses because they were recently dealt with. It is my responsibility to consider who is in my "hearing" and where they are in their understanding of various teachings. I don't do that perfectly. But if you are a Christian that is in a place that you believe it, can defend it, teach it, and teach others to teach it. Then be understanding of those around you. Remember, that we are "all" members of the local body. Focus on the word of God, and worship Him through it. Don't think anything less of the word of God being repeated every so often, then you would worshipping Him in song through the same songs we repeat every so often. Sometimes two weeks in a row.
May the Lord use this for His glory and draw us closer to Him and one another we all prayerfully consider these things.
I wish you'd put your sermons online.
Have a blessed day,
Your sister in Christ