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Honolulu, HI -- Questions about where Barack Obama was born and if he is eligible to become President are reaching fever pitch after every hospital in Honolulu, HI has denied he was born in any of them! In order to be President of the United States, the Constitution requires a candidate to be "a natural born" citizen. Allegations arose over a year ago that Barack Obama was born in Kenya and is thus ineligible to be President. While the so-called "main stream" media has totally ignored the issue, the internet media is blazing with information about it. According to investigative efforts between November 20 and December 2, the following Hospitals have denied Barack Obama was born at their facility and have further denied his mother was ever a patient: The Queen’s Medical Center - Honolulu, Hawaii Obama claims as his birth hospital Kapi’ olani Medical Center Obama’s sister claims Barack Obama born here Honolulu Shriners Hospital Never a patient Mom or Obama Straub Cli...

An Amero Dollar?

I received the following forwarded e-mail. For most of us citizens, there is no way to know whether these things are true. But I don't think we should be so quick to dismiss all of these so-called "conspiracy theories." I also think we need to use wisdom about how to prepare for life in our country and world changing from what we have known it. In my opinion it will change. How much and in what ways, I don't know. But is it not trusting in the Lord to try and make provisions for our families or is wisdom to use the means He has blessed us with? Please let me know your thoughts about this. I don't think the hyperlinks will transfer from the e-mail, but it is on a blog ( I'll save the e-mail and forward it to you if you ask for it. By the way, I did replace one wordy dird with [@#&*). Thanks... Serious Stuff - If the media can hide the storm over Obama's citizenship and his lack of proof that he is a U S Natural Born Citizen t...

MacArthur on Tongues

This is the 1st of 5 parts. For the rest just enter John MacArthur on the search section of the You Tube page (I keep trying to get to the page at the same time, but I keep getting the Microsoft Explorer warning and it shuts down).

E-Mail Response to What Happened in Idaho

I friend and brother in Christ asked me what happened with the Church in Idaho and said there was nothing on either of my 2 Blogs. So I thought I'd use the response to him and post it on here. I forgot to mention in the below e-mail that the church being sovereign grace, expository preaching, and no separate children's church service, cost us some folks too. I removed the personal references and a paragraph that was not relevant. Here it is, thank you: Heyyyy Xxxxx. The church in Idaho? When I got there we were averaging around 45 in attendance on Sunday mornings. It was about half Air Force personnel. As they gradually transferred out, we didn’t get others back in like had happened in the past before I got there supposedly. The founding pastor was a retired air force pilot but my other two elders said they didn’t think that brought people in but may have helped some other air force families stay once they visited and found out. It was town of about16,000 if you include those t...

A Blog Article by Alan Stang- Reducing America: So It Can Be Merged

Interestingly, I have been having si8milar thoughts and shared them today at work adding that this may be why they are allowing such a hugr national debt. I mean, come on people, how do you think this debt will be taken care of? Hmm? :-) PB Reducing America: So It Can Be Merged As I write, the treason Senate – under intense pressure from Communist world government traitor Smirk W. Bush – is preparing to pass the legislation that will legalize the present invasion of these united States. So here let me repeat something I have said many times, which nevertheless deserves repetition even more because it is so little mentioned, even by our friends. The goal of the conspirators from the beginning has been to submerge and dissolve our country in a totalitarian socialist world government they would run. But they had a problem. Go back to World War II. When it ended, these united States indisputably comprised the most powerful country on earth. Unlike most of the other par...

"When Your Preacher is not John Piper" by Steve Burchett

When Your Preacher is Not John Piper Steve Burchett Many who have had the privilege of hearing John Piper1 preach in person would testify that it felt like a monumental event. His preaching is a powerful combination of truth and passion, leading to convicted and exhilarated listeners. After the sermon, certain hearers might leave wondering if they were just in the presence of a figure who will be talked about in future centuries. Then they go back to their home church, where several things are different, including the preaching! Thankfully, the gospel is still proclaimed. In fact, the sermons are thoroughly biblical, but the ability of their regular preacher simply does not measure up to the phenomenal preaching they recently heard. Unless you regularly attend the church of one of the celebrated preachers of our day, you most likely have faced a similar situation. Either at a conference or on the internet, you have heard exceptional preaching, but each Sunday you're back in your si...

Short and Sweet GraceGem from JC Ryle

Doctrine is useless! (J. C. Ryle) "If you know these things, you are blessed if you do them." John 13:17 Doctrine is useless—if it is not accompanied by a holy life. It is worse than useless; it does positive harm. Something of the 'image of Christ' must be seen and observed in our private life, and habits, and character, and doings. Grace Gems (choice ELECTRONIC books, sermons & quotes) Grace Audio Treasures (choice AUDIO sermons) Sovereign Grace Treasures (choice PRINTED books)

Grace Gems- "Nothing Escapes His Notice" By Arthur Pink From the "Attributes of God"

Nothing escapes His notice! (Arthur Pink, "The Attributes of God") What a wondrous Being is the God of Scripture! "Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account." Hebrews 4:13 God is omniscient. He knows everything: everything possible, everything actual, all events, all creatures, of the past, the present, and the future. He is perfectly acquainted with every detail in the life of every being in heaven, in earth, and in hell. Nothing escapes His notice, nothing can be hidden from Him, nothing is forgotten by Him. His knowledge is perfect. He never errs. He never changes. He never overlooks anything. God not only knows whatever has happened in the past in every part of His vast domains; and He is not only thoroughly acquainted with everything that is now transpiring throughout the entire universe—but He is also perfectly cognizant of every event, from the least to the...

New Additional Blog

Hello to my vast audience of Blog readers :-). For those who do read this, or if if "just happen to drop in," I have an new additional Blog that I mentioned in a previous post up and running. It is called the BiblicallyCorrect Blog for Biblically Correct Ministries. The purpose of the Blog in the beginning will be to post progress and information about the new ministry and potential new church start of Biblical Unity Church. During that time I will continue to post other articles and "You Tubes" of interest from time to time on this Blog. Please check out the new blog from time to time and continue to pray for me, my family and the new ministry. The Blog url is: . Thank you! Brother Bret

New Home and Upcoming New Blog

Well, to my faithful 2-3 readers :-), following what we believe to be the Lord's will we moved to Alabama one week ago and arrived this past Monday. This will put us closer to family that will be helpful due to family health issues as well as accepting a job offer the Lord kept open for me for about 7 months. Lord willing I will be starting a church in the area or be working with another church in some capacity. Please keep us in prayer as you have remembrance. I am forming Biblically Correct Ministries (named after the radio ministry I had in Idaho for 8 months). I will be creating a separate blog relating to the progress of that ministry. Thank you to all those that have prayed for us, and fellowshpped with us down through the years, whether in person or through the www. Brother Bret

James White and John Piper on the Christian Response Loving God and Neighbor Together John Piper Responds to "A Common Word" 01/24/2008 - James White I was sent a link to John Piper's video response to the controversy over "A Common Word." I am providing it here. I would go beyond Dr. Piper and say that I am not simply profoundly disappointed in the "Christian" response: I found the reply, titled "Loving God and Neighbor Together," a sad example of Christian dhimmitude. Dhimmitude is the status of monotheists (Jews and Christians, in the main) under Islamic rule. Islam severely restricts the freedoms of dhimmi peoples under their rule, prohibiting proselytization, for example, or even singing hymns too loudly. It is an attitude that is inherent in Islamic theology, and it flows from the notion that Muhammad is the final prophet, the seal of the prophets, and that sharia must be established all across the world, creating a universal Dar al Islam. I see "Loving God and Ne...