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An Amero Dollar?

I received the following forwarded e-mail. For most of us citizens, there is no way to know whether these things are true. But I don't think we should be so quick to dismiss all of these so-called "conspiracy theories." I also think we need to use wisdom about how to prepare for life in our country and world changing from what we have known it. In my opinion it will change. How much and in what ways, I don't know. But is it not trusting in the Lord to try and make provisions for our families or is wisdom to use the means He has blessed us with? Please let me know your thoughts about this. I don't think the hyperlinks will transfer from the e-mail, but it is on a blog ( I'll save the e-mail and forward it to you if you ask for it. By the way, I did replace one wordy dird with [@#&*). Thanks...

Serious Stuff - If the media can hide the storm over Obama's citizenship and his lack of proof that he is a U S Natural Born Citizen then they can hide the hidden agenda for our nation to lose it's Constitutional foundation and it's currency.

America Wake

.......December 3, 2008
North Bergen, NJ -- To the chagrin of the government, I have obtained new "AMERO" paper currency notes! You know, the "AMERO" . . . . the new currency that is going to replace the US Dollar, The Canadian Dollar and the Mexican Peso? Yea, the new currency that all three governments claim doesn't exist. . . . I have it. Here's what a 50 Amero note looks like:

In September, 2007 - over a full year ago - I first broke the story about AMERO coins being minted secretly at the Denver Mint. After that story ran, the Denver Mint announced on its web site that they were closing public tours of the Mint for 10 - 14 days in order to make renovations to the tourist area of the mint.

My sources inside the Mint, however, reported Treasury officials were outraged that someone had leaked info about the AMERO to me and they closed the Denver Mint to the public so as to secretly move the AMEROS out of the Mint to prevent further leaks.

In October, 2008, I received word that the U.S. government shipped 800 Billion AMEROS to the China development bank. I did a story on that (here) and obtained an actual AMERO coin from that shipment!

I placed a video of the coin on YouTube, showing the coin and explaining that there is a deliberate effort underway at the highest levels of our government to intentionally exhaust the dollar as a currency. Over 600,000 people worldwide watched that video.

Two days ago, YouTube/Google notified me that my video had been deleted and my account permanently closed at the request of the United States Treasury Department. The Treasury department told YouTube/Google that my video was "destabilizing the U.S. Dollar and was thus a threat to national security."

Here we are, just two days later and my sources have once again come through; this time with proof the government is secretly printing new AMERO paper currency.

Not only do I have the 50 AMERO note, give look at the 20 and 100 AMERO notes below!

Not a single American citizen has been officially asked if they want a new currency. Not a single member of Congress has voted on authorizing a new currency. Yet a new currency is already being printed and quietly distributed around the world. This is being done without the consent of the American people, without a vote by Congress and has been intentionally covered up by every official who has been questioned about it.

The REASON they are creating a new currency has to do with how they plan to get rid of our national debt. On October 16, 2008, the "Global-Europe Anticipation Bulletin" told its subscribers that the present U.S. Dollar will be demonetized (it won't be "money" anymore) and a new currency imposed. "Old dollars" will be devalued by ninety percent (90%).

Think about that for a moment. A 90% devaluation. That means checking accounts, savings accounts, IRA's 401-K's, Pension plans, Certificates of Deposit. . . . are all worth ninety percent LESS than previously.

This AMERO currency will allow the government to literally grab 90% of all our life savings and owe 90% less than they presently do in one fell swoop! They get out of debt and the rest of us are left totally destitute. Broke. Busted. Poor. Helpless.

I believe the people perpetrating this secret currency change are in for personal visits of a violent nature. I think there are folks out here in real America who will not take kindly to having been deliberately lied-to.

I believe my fellow Americans might -- just might -- decide it is time to . . . . . "discipline". . . . . the public officials who have undertaken this outrage without our consent.

It's a tough thing to have to physically discipline a mis-behaving adult, but I say now, I'm up for doing just that.

There are officials in this country who deserve to get the &*@# kicked out of them and I really look forward to having the chance to do it. If they think their puny little Federal Reserve Police force can do anything about it, they're sadly mistaken.

PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD ABOUT THIS IMMEDIATELY. If they are already printing paper currency, the destruction of the US dollar cannot be far away. We are ALL in grave danger of losing our life savings to this currency scam.............


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