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Honolulu, HI -- Questions about where Barack Obama was born and if he is eligible to become President are reaching fever pitch after every hospital in Honolulu, HI has denied he was born in any of them!

In order to be President of the United States, the Constitution requires a candidate to be "a natural born" citizen. Allegations arose over a year ago that Barack Obama was born in Kenya and is thus ineligible to be President.

While the so-called "main stream" media has totally ignored the issue, the internet media is blazing with information about it.

According to investigative efforts between November 20 and December 2, the following Hospitals have denied Barack Obama was born at their facility and have further denied his mother was ever a patient:

The Queen’s Medical Center - Honolulu, Hawaii Obama claims as his birth hospital

Kapi’ olani Medical Center Obama’s sister claims Barack Obama born here
Honolulu Shriners Hospital Never a patient Mom or Obama
Straub Clinic & Hospital Never a patient Mom or Obama
Hawaii Health Systems Corporation - Honolulu, Hawaii Never a patient Mom or Obama
Cancer Institute of Maui - Wailuku, Hawaii No Comment ???

Kuakini Hospital - Honolulu, Hawaii Never a patient Mom or Obama
Rehabilitation Hospital of the Pacific - Honolulu, Hawaii Never a patient Mom or Obama
St. Francis Healthcare System of Hawaii - Hawaii Never a patient Mom or Obama
Straub Heatlh - Honolulu, Hawaii Never a patient Mom or Obama
Tripler Medical Center - Honolulu, Hawaii Never a patient Mom or Obama
Wahiawa General Hospital - Wahiawa, Hawaii Never a patient Mom or Obama
Wilcox Memorial Hospital - Lihue, Kauai, Hawaii Never a patient Mom or Obama
We were pretty detailed in our calls. You can look at every hospital here and call any of them. You can file freedom of information act requests or speak to the media relations people at every hospital. Do everything and anything you wish. Barack Obama was never born in a hospital in Hawaii as claimed.

If Barack Obama cannot prove he is a "natural born citizen" prior to Inauguration day, he cannot be allowed to be sworn in. Period.

I earnestly hope our legal system, through the courts, handle this matter so that We The People don't have to step in and settle this the hard way.

Posted by at 12/03/2008 11:57:00 AM 18 comments


The march toward complete financial collapse of the USA is accelerating out of control. According to the US Treasury, "hundreds of banks" have asked for emergency help from the government.

To help you understand the frightening implications of this, consider the following:

Since the "financial crisis" began in September, The Treasury Department has injected $150 billion in capital by buying preferred shares in 52 institutions. 52 banks, $150 billion.

Todays news that "hundreds of banks" are now in danger of failing caught my attention, so I contacted my sources inside the Treasury and I almost fell over when they told me: "Five hundred twenty additional banks are failing; ten times the number of banks that have already been bailed out."

Do the math: If 52 banks needed $150 billion, 520 banks could translate into one point five TRILLION.

That isn't the worst of it. The chart below (click image to enlarge) shows that our nation has already committed EIGHT POINT FIVE TRILLION to the financial mess and of that, they've already disbursed THREE POINT TWO TRILLION.
Ask yourself this simple question: Where are they getting this money? The simple answer: They're printing it.

Let's not forget that the money listed above is ON TOP OF the ten trillion dollars the government already owes from past deficit spending!

Do the math again:
$1.5 Trillion needed for another 520 failing banks
$8.5 Trillion committed to more financial bailouts
$10 Trillion in national debt from years of deficit spending.
$20 TRILLION dollars in total (so far)

Let me put this in better perspective for you. $20 Trillion dollars divided up among each of our 300 million citizens amounts to sixty-six-thousand, six-hundred sixty-six dollars ($66,666.) for every man, woman and child! Wow. That's like a satanic number!

Need further perspective? If you took a loan for the $66,666 at one percent (1%) interest per year for ten (10) years, you would need to pay $584.06 per month for you, your wife/husband and each one of your children! For my family (Me, Wife, one son) that would be 1752.08 per month for ten years!!

You're a smart person. I know you're smart because you read this blog! As a smart person ask yourself: How long is it going to be before the rest of the world says to themselves "The USA is totally bankrupt, they can't even hope to repay all the money they've borrowed, the US dollar isn't worth the paper its printed on because they printed so much of it, we're not going to accept it as money anymore."

I'll tell you how long it will be: The end of February or early March 2009. Best case? Late June, 2009. That's it.

At this point I think it is worth reminding all of you that in December 2007 and January, 2008, I warned everyone via my radio show and web site that "September is going to see major financial upheaval." I told everyone when and why. It happened exactly as I warned. So I hope you heed my warning about total financial collapse early next year.

That's when the shit is really gonna hit the fan and this nation will fall into complete, total, economic collapse. A collapse brought about by our own federal government spending us into oblivion.

Why do you think they re-deployed an active duty Army Combat Brigade with 4700 troops and support personnel from Iraq back here to the USA? Why do you think the Pentagon announced yesterday they are going to increase the number of combat troops inside the US from its present 4700 up to 20,000? They KNOW the shit's gonna hit the fan.

When the economy fails -- and it will -- they are terrified about what We The People might do.
They are afraid we might (rightfully) blame the government for wrecking our nation and that we might take retribution upon them by force.

It's good they're afraid. They ought to be.

I have compiled a compete list of the home addresses of every member of the House of Representatives, every member of the U.S. Senate, all nine Justices on the Supreme Court and a slew of other federal Judges in the various Circuit Courts of Appeal and District Courts.

I have the home addresses of all the members of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and every key person at every regional federal reserve bank.

When the shit hits the fan, I am going to publish those addresses so the folks out here in the real world who have suddenly found they've lost everything, can pay a visit to those responsible for it!

Oh, and in case you folks in law enforcement think you can grab me up and throw me into some dungeon to prevent the release of that info. . . . . . I've already distributed CD's with the info to quite a number of people whom I trust. They, in turn are making copies and sending those to people they trust.

The CD's were sent with instructions to IMMEDIATELY disseminate that info as soon as they hear I have been grabbed.

So there is no way at all the government can prevent "being held accountable."

I am also presently researching the home addresses of all the Bankers and other financial hot shots involved in stocks, bonds, money markets, mutual funds and the like. Their home addresses are going out too!

When the whole system collapses, it won't just be government types that get paid a visit; it will be the financial hot shots too.

There's going to be retribution for the destruction of our financial system and our country. Nothing can prevent that retribution -- except if they find some way to stop the financial catastrophe they have caused. I wish them luck.
Posted by at 12/02/2008 05:55:00 PM 19 comments

Gov't Tells Youtube to shut me off over AMERO

I found out this morning that my account at YouTube has been permanently shut off at the request of the United States government!

According to Keith in YouTube/Google client services, officials from the United States Treasury Department visited YouTube/Google yesterday evening and allegedly told YouTube/Google that my video exposing plans to exhaust the U.S. Dollar and replace it with the AMERO (seen by over 600,000 people) "was destabilizing the U.S. Dollar."

They asked YouTube/Google to pull the video and permanently prevent me from uploading other videos to their system because "my material is subverting the federal government and is thus a threat to national security."

YouTube/Google pulled the video and shut off my account.

Even though the video did not violate YouTube/Google terms of service, did not violate their acceptable use policy and did not break any law, my account is shut off.

I just thought all of you should know because if they can do this with my YouTube account, they may try to do it with this free blogspot account.

If this blog suddenly disappears, I will resurrect my old web site domain and be back within a few days.
Posted by at 12/02/2008 03:28:00 PM 21 comments


Anonymous said…
I think this is a great blog, and I would like to Post a Comment

There has been some recent news you might like to hear.Obama is making it better for us already! There has been an increase of money availability to everyone. Due to recession there is increased funding for all types of grants. Even lenders are bending over backwards to bail you out too. Regardless of statistics, there is people getting tons of cheap money for personal use, investments,start businesses, buy homes, pay off debt, and more. Bailout is for YOU

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