I have been under conviction lately, and have shared this already with a couple of people. I feel like time is really moving fast. Especially as we measure it in weeks. With me working at the bank during the day 5 days a week, and studying and ministering off and on at night throughout the week, each week seems to come and go quickly. Since I'm not getting any younger, some evenings I'm really tired from being on my feet all day. One of the goals I'm striving for is to get my bills paid down in the next year or two so my family and I can live just off church income. With the sense of time going fast, comes the sense that I'm not [able to?] doing for the Lord what I would like to for His honor and glory, although I do think I could do some of it at night. Whether it is organized studies, or articles for the church body, I would like to do more of that in addition to the prayer and study throughout the week for the local flock and those I know outside of the church. I just don't want my working outside of the church to be an excuse for not doing more for God's glory. Please pray for and with me regarding these things. Indeed, life is like a vapor that appears for a while then vanishes away. But we are also to be redeeming the time for God's glory.Soli Deo Gloria......Bret
The King James Only Controversy : I have been in 3 churches since the Lord was pleased to save me, the last 2 of them as a pastor. The first church was when I was not a pastor, but did teach Sunday School, and preached occasionally. It was a church that used the KJV of the bible, but neither I or the pastor was hardcore KJV Only. The second church was the first church I pastored. For the sake of some long time members in that small church, I used the King James version for sermons, but after I was there a year or two, I began using the NKJV for Scripture Readings. My third church, which is the one I'm pastoring now in Idaho, does not use the KJV. We offically use the NASB for our sermons, and the ESV many times when quoting other scriptures. I know some of my long time Christian friends from Maryland are KJV Only. I am not. I think it is an issue that we can agree to disagree on, but it seems there may be some that cannot. In the not so distant future, I'll post on the Blog why...