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Worldly Tolerance Vs. Biblical Tolerance

I had an interesting dream last night. Without going into detail, I was in the middle of a Islamic war between the extremists and 'peace-loving' Muslims. It is common for us to reflect on our dreams after we wake up, to try to see how much we can reemember and try to make sense of it. While doing that one thing led to another, and it reminded me about the "tolerance" issue that has become a 'hot topic' since the '911' attack on the USA in 2001.

Is there a difference between the "world's" view of tolerance, and what the word of God says? Are we supposed to submit to worldly tolerance by not saying anything negative religions other than 'biblical' Christianity, by not even sharing the gospel because it implies that their religion is wrong and 'biblical' Christianity is right?. Does the Muslim religion practice even worldly tolerance? The reason why there are extremist Muslims and peace-loving Muslims is being their so-called holy book, the Qu'ran is full of contradictions (no, I don't have their references now, but I have seen and heard them. So the extremists Muslims are really not extreme at all, they are just taking the references that refer to killing infidels (unbelievers) literally. But they do seem to have a special hatred for Jews and Christians. Again I'm referring to those called extremists, which perhaps we should coin 'partial literalists' ;-).

There is a biblical tolerance however. Christians are to look for opportunities to share the gospel with non Christians. If they do not want to hear it, or if they will not receive it, then we know that God is not drawing them at the particular time. We continue to love and befriend them, pray for them, and be ready to give an answer for the reason of the hope that lies within us. That's biblical tolerance, doing that rather than desiring their death. Because death is something we all deserve. And our loving, sovereign Lord did not choose or call us because of anything He saw in us. If He would have done that, He wouldn't have chosen and given us to Christ at all (Ps. 14:1-3; 53:1-3; Rom. 3;10-18). Soli Deo Gloria...


Justin C. said…
Hi Bret. You remember me. We debated for like, a week. Just stopping by. Great post. Have a great day.
Pester Brat said…
Yes, I do remember you. Justin, right? Thanks for reading. May God receive the glory from them...

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