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Showing posts from July, 2005

The Responsibility of Leadership by AW Tozer

The Responsibility of A.W. Tozer In light of some of our recent “blogversations” and those I have been privileged to read or participate in at other at sites, these words by Tozer are a needed encouragement and exhortation to what godly, biblical leadership really entails. His words are strong and unadulterated. Tozer preceded the postmodern sea change in our culture by a few decades so don’t expect him to be politically correct. He is refreshingly direct; he speaks the truth in love, and is unapologetic in his views. He speaks not as a religious promoter, but as a prophet. I so miss today men of his candor, biblical convictions, and lucid speech. Tozer has no contemporary rivals... In many respects, the pedestals are empty today in evangelicalism and biblical leadership within the church is steadily becoming a mirage. May it be our daily prayer to be able to say to our dearest friends, family, co-workers and co-laborers in the Lord, "follow me, as I follow Christ...

Ad In The Idaho Statesman About Abortion By Corbett Lynn

ABORTIONS HARD QUESTIONS What would be the effect upon the abortion industry if the public was made aware of the true, unvarnished facts, without semantic subterfuge and illogical rationalism? If, instead of telling the young mother, " we will terminate your pregnancy" they would say, "we will kill your baby for a price, and dispose of it as garbage"? If, instead of encouraging the young mother to abort, she is told of adoptive parents ready to love and adore and care for her baby? Instead of "woman's right to choose" rather say "we defend the woman's right to kill her child"? Instead of "fetus" they would use the words baby, child, girl or boy? If, instead of "abortionist" the doctor is described as "killer of babies" or as Dr. Koop declared, they are "paid executioners"? If the doctors only knew that "God hates hands that shed innocent blood." Provers 6:17 What if those who work in the d...

God's Great Golden Chain...By Steven J. Camp

God's Great Golden Chain...our unshakable hope of salvation in Christ "For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. And those whom he predestined he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he justified he also glorified" -Romans 8:29-30. This is one of the most profound and assuring promises in all of Scripture. It is commonly referred to as, "The Golden Chain of Salvation." It is a chain of five eternal links: God foreknew; God predestined; God called; God justified; and God glorified. Every aspect of our salvation is all and only of Him. No room for man's self-glory here; no room for a hint of human praise; no room for boasting in ourselves. This is the great work of the Lord alone in our salvation. Past, present and future hope secured for us in Christ Jesus. So therefore, we joyfully say with the apostle Paul, "if G...

Tough Love For Evangelism...By Steven J. Camp

Tough Love for Evangelicalism ...someone wake me up from this nightmare we're in Plastinated, Plastic and Popular The face of evangelicalism has been altered so dramatically that it looks "doctrinally disfigured" suffering from one too many "botox injections" of pragmaticism and ecumenism; with severe "soteriological 'nips and tucks'" that gifted "plastic surgeons" skilled with the scalpel of New Perspectivism, Inclusivism, Open Theism and Postmodernism have cut away so much of authentic gospel "tissue" that what's left is just a synthetic, artificial "message-manikin." The "religious legislative laser technicians" have almost burned away the aged wrinkles of faithfulness to God's Word trying to give a "new face of influence" through political co-belligerence--turning the body of Christ into just another lobbyist group, PAC or "Christocrat." Seminaries are having "theologi...

What To Do If There Is Not A Doctrines of Grace Baptistic Church Near You

1. Be willing to make the drive to get to one: Many of us have heard stories from grandparents etc., that walked miles to school or church and the time that takes. Many people will drive over an hour 5-6 days a week to get to their jobs. How much the more should God's people be willing to make the drive to get to this kind of biblical church? 2. Move to a place that is near enough to the church for you to worship and serve the Lord weekly: People are willing to move for many, weather, closeness to family, better fishing or hunting, more rural, more urban, etc. If we understand the importance of the local church because of the One who purchased it and is the head of it, shouldn't this be the number one priority in where we live? 3. Start one. If there is not a biblical church within driving distance and you cannot or will not move, then start one. If you are not biblically qualified to be an Elder that pray and seek the Lord's will in sending you one. 4. If...

Extracted From A George Whitefield Letter

Well worth posting on the Blog..... Snatched out of the very jaws of the devil! (The following is an extract from a letter of George Whitefield, 1714-1770) For many years, from one end of the large London fair to the other, booths of all kinds have been erected for performers, clowns, players, puppet shows, and such like. With a heart bleeding with compassion for so many thousands led captive by the devil at his will, on the day of the fair, at six o'clock in the morning, I ventured to lift up a standard among them in the name of Jesus. Perhaps there were about ten thousand people in waiting, not for me--but for Satan's instruments to amuse them! When I mounted my field-pulpit, almost all flocked immediately around it. I preached on these words, 'As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so shall the Son of Man be lifted up!' They gazed, they listened, they wept; and I believe that many felt themselves stung with deep conviction for their sins. All was hushed an...

Klamath Falls Man Shot By Neighbor

I know the man you shot the gun, praise the Lord for his willingness to protect his family..... KF man shot by neighbor during burglary attempt Friday, July 8, 2005 9:34 AM PDT Lamere Published Friday July 8, 2005 By DYLAN DARLING A Klamath Falls man was shot in the leg early Thursday after throwing a battery through his neighbor's window and trying to break into the house, authorities said.Timothy Allen Lamere, 35, 2250 Garden Ave., was treated for a gunshot wound in his upper right leg and released. Then he was arrested and jailed on charges of attempted burglary and criminal mischief. Although the two were neighbors, Lamere hardly knew the man who shot him, said Officer Mike Anderson of the Klamath Falls Police Department."They were just two people who lived next to each other," Anderson said.According to police, here's what happened:Lamere threw a car battery through a front window of a house on his block on Garden Avenue at about 5 a.m.The battery didn't inju...

Submission Pt. 1 by Stacey Groves

Submission- Part #1 This topic is not always a popular one. Why? Probably because submission is an "old fashioned" term and even Christian women in modern day America don't care much for it and don't spend the time in biblical study to know that is a clear command from God. First let's look at what the dictionary says about submission....sub·mit (sb-mt)v. sub·mit·ted, sub·mit·ting, sub·mits v. tr. 1. To yield or surrender (oneself) to the will or authority of another. 2. To subject to a condition or process. 3. To commit (something) to the consideration or judgment of another. See Synonyms at propose . 4. To offer as a proposition or contention: I submit that the terms are entirely unreasonable.The first definition states "To yield or surrender (oneself) to the will or authority of another". This is an excellent definition! Women are the weaker vessels and are therefore held under less authority than the men. 1Titus 2:11-13 A woman must quietly receive i...

Two Pieces of news That Made The Idaho Statesman Newspaper

1. The Joel Osteen following just started worshipping in the former Houston Rockets location (Compaq Centre) to make it easier for the 30,000 people to gether for the show/Pep Rally. The place holds 16,000 people. The governor of Texas was there to give the welcome. 2. 100,00o young Mormons gathered together recently to celebrate the 200th anniversery of the birth of their founder and false Prophet Joseph Smith. Now back to our regualrly scheduled programming ;-)

Monthly Newsletter By Pastor Joey Rogers

Monthly Newsletter By Pastor Joey Rogers of Means Baptist Church Mark 2:1 And again he entered into Capernaum after some days; and it was noised that he was in the house. 2 And straightway many were gathered together, insomuch that there was no room to receive them, no, not so much as about the door: and he preached the word unto them. 3 And they come unto him, bringing one sick of the palsy, which was borne of four. 4 And when they could not come nigh unto him for the press, they uncovered the roof where he was: and when they had broken it up, they let down the bed wherein the sick of the palsy lay. 5 When Jesus saw their faith, he said unto the sick of the palsy, Son, thy sins be forgiven thee. Can you imagine the startled look on the faces of the followers of Christ when the roof was dismantled above their heads? Can you imagine the shocking thoughts that must’ve gone their minds? Was it a mob of angry Jewish leaders of the temple coming to take away their leader? Was it a band of h...

From Campi's Blog: The Four Spiritual Laws...

Can't remember if this is in my archives, but it's worth reposting if it is...Bret The Four Spiritual Flaws? this what it means to be saved In light of what many have posted recently on the theme of "the love of God" - its extent; to whom it applies; is it salvific only or does it have a general pedestrian meaning as well; is the love of God evidenced apart from the work of Christ on the cross or is it only demonstrated through the atoning work of Jesus at Calvary?, etc... I thought that this might spur on some profitable and necessary discussion on this important topic. There is probably no more widely known phrase on the love of God used today than , "God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life." The question I have for you today is simple: is it biblical? Does Scripture clearly support God's love for all people or is it reserved for the elect only? More significantly, how should this effect our presentation of the gospel in evangelistic ...

When Can Youth Stop Obeying Parents By Jonathan Lindvall

WHEN CAN YOUTH STOP OBEYING PARENTS? By Jonathan Lindvall This question doesn't even arise in most of Western society today, since the matter of children's obligation to obey parents is increasingly denied by children's rights advocates and the liberal media. Even many Christians succumb to the pressure to at least accommodate the world's family views. Does the Bible speak to these issues? In fact, God reveals His heart on these matters both overtly and subtly (via assumptions) in His word. I recently received the following note from a young man who was angry with me for the way I counseled his parents. His letter, and my response, may be helpful in stimulating thought and discussion regarding how the Bible approaches this subject. Dear Jonathan Lindvall, I am the son of [parents' names] of [city], whom I have heard through the proverbial "grape vine," contacted you earlier this year. I left my family's home seeking freedom as a 20 year old young man ...

Excellent Article From Steve Camp's Blog

The Worship Driven daily in the presence of His glory THE EXCUSE We live in a time where people say that Elvis lives and God is dead. We live in a generation that plants trees but uproots marriages. We live in a culture where individuals will bring nations together to save a few dying whales, but are swift to kill unborn babies. It's against the law to post The Ten Commandments in public schools, but it's responsible education for teachers to hand out condomes. Sin is now called sickness; disobedience is now called disease; and adultery is now called addiction--nothing more than extra-curricular political activity for the politicians. How is it in the midst of this kind of moral and spiritual chaos that we can and must live lives that will bring glory to God? I hope this article will in some way equip and encourage you to "live daily in the presence of His glory."We all have Phd's in rationalizing our behavior, don't we? We can cast blame and av...