1. Be willing to make the drive to get to one: Many of us have heard stories from grandparents etc., that walked miles to school or church and the time that takes. Many people will drive over an hour 5-6 days a week to get to their jobs. How much the more should God's people be willing to make the drive to get to this kind of biblical church?
2. Move to a place that is near enough to the church for you to worship and serve the Lord weekly: People are willing to move for many reasons...jobs, weather, closeness to family, better fishing or hunting, more rural, more urban, etc. If we understand the importance of the local church because of the One who purchased it and is the head of it, shouldn't this be the number one priority in where we live?
3. Start one. If there is not a biblical church within driving distance and you cannot or will not move, then start one. If you are not biblically qualified to be an Elder that pray and seek the Lord's will in sending you one.
4. If numbers 1, 2, & 3 won't work out (although I don't see why it wouldn't), then go to a church in your area that holds to the fundamentals of the faith and doctrines of sovereign grace, but may differ on non salvific doctrines such as baptism, eschatology, bible translation (as long as it isn't a liberal one), traditional vs. contemporary music, church government.
Again, I didn't put #4 first. I don't think a Christian should take compromising on even non essential/salvific doctrines, lightly. Believers Baptistic churches that hold to the doctrines of sovereign grace (TULIP) and are non-cessationists regarding the sign gifts are the most doctrinally accurate church according to the word of God. Do everything that you can by the grace of God to be a member of one of these churches. Soli Deo Gloria.....