What would be the effect upon the abortion industry if the public was made aware of the true, unvarnished facts, without semantic subterfuge and illogical rationalism?
If, instead of telling the young mother, " we will terminate your pregnancy" they would say, "we will kill your baby for a price, and dispose of it as garbage"?
If, instead of encouraging the young mother to abort, she is told of adoptive parents ready to love and adore and care for her baby?
Instead of "woman's right to choose" rather say "we defend the woman's right to kill her child"?
Instead of "fetus" they would use the words baby, child, girl or boy?
If, instead of "abortionist" the doctor is described as "killer of babies" or as Dr. Koop declared, they are "paid executioners"? If the doctors only knew that "God hates hands that shed innocent blood." Provers 6:17
What if those who work in the death mills knew that God described them in the bible?
"Cursed is he that takees reward to slay the innocent person." Deut. 27:25
What if those supporting pro choice could be educated to understand that the baby is not a part of the mother's body, as a tumor, that she has the right to remove, but a little human with unique DNA, created in the image of GOD?
If the rationalizers could understand that GOD has an opportunity for every child, rather than the arrogant logic that argues that because of the mother's economic or social circumstances, the child could not have a quality of life; their solution is "kill the child"?
If the violent death of every baby could be witnessed as it is torn apart or burned with salt or, as in partial birth death, the late term, viable baby is moving and kicking, then stabbed to death? "I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just and that His justice cannot sleep forever." Thomas Jefferson
If available pictures were displayed by the media, showing fully developed babies in plastic buckets as so much garbage?
Most politicians know that polls are manipulated to create an ally for pro choice support. In fact, 83% of the public opposes unlimited abortion for the full term.
Why does most of the media refuse to use the word "prolife" and instead uses anti-abortion?" One St. Louis newspaper explained: prolife is loaded, suggesting that if you are not prolife you must be pro death, do not use it.
Supreme Court Deceit.
In 1973 the Roe v. Wade case, the court abandoned all legal precedent and violated the 14th Amendment. The 14th Amendment stated "no state shall deprive any person or life without due process of law." Justice Harry Blackmun (now gone to his reward) wrote that the unborn is not a person, in other words, subhuman and not protected. Also he sited the Fourth Amendment as giving a woman the right to kill her unborn child. Not one word in the amendment addresses the subject but Blackmun said it cast a shadow (penumbra) that gave her the right. It is outrageous judicial treachery, designed to violate the letter of the law. The legacy of the court is 50 million dead babies.
The violent and tragic deaths of 9-11 have brought our nation to tears and anger - and yet over 4500 babies die a violent death everyday in the U.S.A. by the hands of abortionists.
What is the reason for this expensive expose? To hopefully add one more to the hundreds that have been rescued. Some who were rescued are now in their teens and twenties. Some are beautiful little ones, full of life.
Corbett Lynn
What would be the effect upon the abortion industry if the public was made aware of the true, unvarnished facts, without semantic subterfuge and illogical rationalism?
If, instead of telling the young mother, " we will terminate your pregnancy" they would say, "we will kill your baby for a price, and dispose of it as garbage"?
If, instead of encouraging the young mother to abort, she is told of adoptive parents ready to love and adore and care for her baby?
Instead of "woman's right to choose" rather say "we defend the woman's right to kill her child"?
Instead of "fetus" they would use the words baby, child, girl or boy?
If, instead of "abortionist" the doctor is described as "killer of babies" or as Dr. Koop declared, they are "paid executioners"? If the doctors only knew that "God hates hands that shed innocent blood." Provers 6:17
What if those who work in the death mills knew that God described them in the bible?
"Cursed is he that takees reward to slay the innocent person." Deut. 27:25
What if those supporting pro choice could be educated to understand that the baby is not a part of the mother's body, as a tumor, that she has the right to remove, but a little human with unique DNA, created in the image of GOD?
If the rationalizers could understand that GOD has an opportunity for every child, rather than the arrogant logic that argues that because of the mother's economic or social circumstances, the child could not have a quality of life; their solution is "kill the child"?
If the violent death of every baby could be witnessed as it is torn apart or burned with salt or, as in partial birth death, the late term, viable baby is moving and kicking, then stabbed to death? "I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just and that His justice cannot sleep forever." Thomas Jefferson
If available pictures were displayed by the media, showing fully developed babies in plastic buckets as so much garbage?
Most politicians know that polls are manipulated to create an ally for pro choice support. In fact, 83% of the public opposes unlimited abortion for the full term.
Why does most of the media refuse to use the word "prolife" and instead uses anti-abortion?" One St. Louis newspaper explained: prolife is loaded, suggesting that if you are not prolife you must be pro death, do not use it.
Supreme Court Deceit.
In 1973 the Roe v. Wade case, the court abandoned all legal precedent and violated the 14th Amendment. The 14th Amendment stated "no state shall deprive any person or life without due process of law." Justice Harry Blackmun (now gone to his reward) wrote that the unborn is not a person, in other words, subhuman and not protected. Also he sited the Fourth Amendment as giving a woman the right to kill her unborn child. Not one word in the amendment addresses the subject but Blackmun said it cast a shadow (penumbra) that gave her the right. It is outrageous judicial treachery, designed to violate the letter of the law. The legacy of the court is 50 million dead babies.
The violent and tragic deaths of 9-11 have brought our nation to tears and anger - and yet over 4500 babies die a violent death everyday in the U.S.A. by the hands of abortionists.
What is the reason for this expensive expose? To hopefully add one more to the hundreds that have been rescued. Some who were rescued are now in their teens and twenties. Some are beautiful little ones, full of life.
Corbett Lynn