Grace Fellowship of Mountain Home Idaho
Evangelism & Discipleship Training
Evangelism & Discipleship Training
2Tim. 2:2 The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many
witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.
I Sharing the Gospel
witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.
I Sharing the Gospel
A) The Issue: While this may seem like a "given," unfortunately it is something that needs to be covered because of it often being watered down and compromised when presented.
B) What Is Sharing The Biblical Gospel? (Or Maybe the Question Should be, What Is It Not?)
1. It is not about trying to get people to "ask Jesus in their heart."
2. It is not about trying to get people to "accept Christ."
3. It is not just trying to get people to "give their life to Christ" while this is indeed a part and result of it.
4. It is not about doing everything we can to get people to say the "sinner's prayer."
5. The Gospel is about Jesus Christ and His sufficient, substitutionary, sacrifice, and bodily resurrection to pay the penalty of the sins of those who trust in Him with a repentant faith:
a) We must first show them that we are lost because we cannot keep God's laws and commandments and He is holy. Ps. 14:2-3; Is. 64:6-8;Jer. 17:9;Rom. 3:10-12,20,23,28;Gal. 2:16,21,3:11; Ja. 2:10; Ps. 89:35; Is. 6:3; Rev. 4:8
b) We must show them what we deserve because of our sins. Gen. 2:17; Ez. 18:4, 20; Rom. 5:8, 12; 6:23;1Cor. 6:9-10; Gal. 5:19-21; Rev. 20:11-15; 21:8; Jn. 3:16
c) We must show them our only hope in Christ and that they must trust in who He is and what He did, with a repentant faith. Jn. 3:16; Rom. 5:8; 6:23; 1Cor. 15:3-4; Rom. 10:9-13; Acts 3:19, 17:30, 20:21, 26:20
d) Sharing the gospel is not telling people "God loves you [ and has a plan for your life" ]. Discuss
e) Sharing the gospel is not telling people "God loves you and Jesus died for your sins." Discuss
e) Sharing the gospel is not telling people "God loves you and Jesus died for your sins." Discuss
f) As noted twice above, sharing the gospel includes "repentance of sins."
g) Sharing the gospel is not inviting people to church, although we should do that also.
h) Sharing the gospel also includes "witnessing" of Who Christ is and what He has done for us.
i) Giving out sound doctrinal gospel tracts is a "form or part" of sharing the gospel, but it should not be used in place of verbally sharing as we have opportunity.
j) Does sharing the gospel include all of the doctrines of sovereign grace (election, particular atonement, effectual call) ? Only if the discussion heads in that direction.
C) How, When and Who Should We Share The Gospel With?
1. By trying to start a conversation with anyone, if they are willing to listen Mk.16:15;Eph. 6:19-20; 1Th. 2:1-13; Acts 1:8
2. By being ready to share when expected to and not expected to. 2Tim. 4:2
3. By always being ready to give an answer to those who ask a reason for the "hope" that lies within us. 1Pet. 3:15
4. To co-workers, business associates, friends, relatives, neighbors, at any time or any place.
5. We need to be "sensitive/discerning" of whether the Spirit is drawing them. If a person is not receptive to the gospel, we don't continue sharing, but continue to love them and pray for them. But we won't know unless we try. Jn. 6:44,65;Acts 11:18;16:14;Eph. 2:1-5;2Th. 1:11;2Tim. 2:25
D) Dealing With Positive Responses From Sharing The Gospel
1. What about the "sinner's prayer" (B-4)?
a) When God draws someone as they hear the biblical gospel they are saved before saying the prayer.
b) Just tell them what they need to do...repent and believe in the Person, Sacrifice and Resurrection of Christ. Acts 2:37-39; 16:29-31
c) If they insist on help praying, go ahead and tell them how to pray encouraging them that it is not about saying certain words perfectly, or the prayer itself that saves, etc.
2. It is not the place of the person who was the instrument of sharing the gospel when the person made a profession of faith, to give them assurance of salvation and declare them saved.
3. Encourage them to begin attending our church regularly.
4. Encourage them to start reading the book of John.
5. Encourage them to begin praying regularly.
6. If they do not have a church background, take away any excuses they may have:
a) You or the church can give them a bible if they don't have one to read.
b) You or someone in the church can pick them up for church services if they don't have transportation.
c) You or someone in the church can come to their home or meet at the church for personal discipleship, if either is an obstacle for them.
d) If they are currently working on the Lord's Day, encourage them to do everything they can while praying, to be off on the Lord’s Day, and at a minimum, be off during the time of worship and service. Until then, remind them that our services are available on CD, Cassette, MP3 on the church website, for no charge, and that the Pastor and Elders are more than willing to discuss anything with them in person, by phone, or by e-mail.
e) Let them know that by the grace of God, we are a friendly and loving church and that the pastor and elders are approachable and available.
7. If the profession of faith was made after presenting the biblical gospel and not doing the man-made additions that were mentioned above, and you discern conviction and a changed life, discuss with the pastor/elders about talking to the new believer about water baptism. Mt. 3:7-8
8. Encourage them to take the "Growing as Christian" lessons either personally as described in II G below, or in a class if one is available.
E) Dealing With Negative Responses From Trying and Sharing The Gospel
1. Remember that straight is the gate and narrow is the way, and there will be few that find it. Mt.7:13
2. Remember that we're only responsible for planting and watering, God gives the increase. 1Cor.3:6-7
3. Experientially speaking from the human perspective, there will be much less results than with those who have added to or compromised the gospel, but by the grace of God, we will not have near as many false professions, false hopes, and tares in the church. Discuss
4. So, be hopeful for their salvation, but realistic that most will probably reject.
5. As mentioned above (C-5), tell them you care about their soul, will be praying for them, and will always be willing to talk with them [ or further, if it applies ] if and when they are ready.
F) Quote From Charles H. Spurgeon: "There MUST BE NO PERSUADING TO MAKE A PROFESSION, but there should be every opportunity for so doing, and no stumbling block placed in the way of hopeful minds." - Lectures to My Students, On Conversion as Our Aim.
G) Remember the Ministries of Jonah, Isaiah, and Jesus: God told Jonah to go and that Nineveh would repent, but Jonah didn’t want to go; God told Isaiah to go and that they would not heed his message and warnings; In Jesus’ Ministry, there were some who received Him and what He would do, and some that wouldn’t. Yet Jesus still shared the gospel with those “He knew” would not believe ( Jn. 6:63-66 ). Any individual Christian or church may have a ministry like one of them. We do not know Who will believe and who won’t. We cannot guarantee results. We are to plant seed and/or water seed that has been planted, but like we said above, it is God who gives the increase.
II Some Recommended Guidelines For Personal Discipleship
II Some Recommended Guidelines For Personal Discipleship
A) Pray For Wisdom and Humility, and For God To Use You, In Your Regular Prayers.
B) Pray With Those You Are Discipling, Before You Begin Your Lessons.
C) Study Your Lessons. If You Haven't Done Them In A While, Review The Lessons.
D) Let Them Participate By Reading Scriptures, Doing “Fill In The Blanks” and Encouraging Questions and Discussions. Be Honest With Them If they Are Wrong, But Do It In A
Respectful and Encouraging Way.
Respectful and Encouraging Way.
E) Be Hospitable and Fellowship With Those You Are Discipling Apart From Your Regular Discipling Times. “Take Them Under Your Wing” So To Speak.
F) Meet Weekly At A Mutually Agreeable Day, Time and Place. But Be Sure To Let Them Know That You Are Willing To Meet Them In Their Home If That Is More Convenient For Them.
G) Try To Be Punctual, and Keep Lesson Times Between 60-90 Minutes Unless You Are Certain That the Person Or Couple Doesn't Mind If It Is Later Due To Questions, Discussion, and Fellowship.
H) A Christian Man Should Not Disciple A Christian Woman Alone and Vice Versa. Man With A Man, Couple With A Man OR Woman, Woman With A Woman.
I) If A Couple Disciples A Man, Remember and Be An Example Regarding Passages Such As: 1Cor. 14:34-35; 1Tim. 2:11-14; Eph. 5:22-32. Remember, Discipleship Is A Ministry of the Local Church.
J) As With Other Teaching Ministries, If A Doctrinal Position You Held To Changes From What The Church And The Elders Hold To, You Are Expected To Bring It To the Attention of One of the Elders, and Not Teach Your New Doctrinal Position To Those You Are Discipling Unless Or Until The Elders Decide You Are Correct On Such Position According To God’s Word and Permit Teaching It.
K) Continue To Be An Example In Your Personal and Family Life, Personal Study and Prayer, Being Faithful To The Services and Ministries The Church Offers As It Applies, and Not Do Anything That May Cause Them To Stumble.
I've been a bit behind on my reading, so I'm just catching up to this one. Very helpful as reference material. I wonder, do the sections that say "discuss" indicate that you plan on going into greater detail on those points in the future?
This is well timed, too, since before I read it I found myself wondering the "discipleship" status of a few in our church and had thought to enquire about them. Having this post come around the same time confirms that I should go forward with those inquiries...