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"Missing The Breakpoint About 'Narnia'" By Steve camp (

Missing The "BreakPoint"
-FOLLYWOOD doesn't define Christianity even on its best day

I love good books, good TV, good music, and good movies. I like to feel inspired, challenged, entertained, stirred in my emotions and uplifted. But then at some point I must turn off the iPod, put the computer on sleep mode, turn off the Tele, and exit the movie theater. For when the short-lived exciting emotions fade, I return to live in the real world of five kids, public school, neighbors, local church, and ministry.

Chuck Colson in his current BreakPoint speaking of Lewis’s “Narnia…” comes near to praising Hollywood for its focus on faith-based films. This last year, has been a banner year for this kind of movie: "The Passion"; "Lord of the Rings"; and now "Narnia, The Lion, The Witch, and Wardrobe.”

But as brilliant of a mind that Mr. Colson has been blessed with, he completely misses the point here as he has on other occasions (i.e., Mr. Colson supported ECT (Evangelicals and Catholics Together) in promoting an unbiblical ecumenism.)

Let me illustrate:

CC: “The film, which opens tomorrow, is being touted by some Christians as a sort of “magic bullet” that will change the way Hollywood goes about its business. Well, that would be good, and one thing you should do is brave the long lines and see this film.

But that’s getting ahead of ourselves. If Christians should have learned anything about movies and their impact on culture, the first question that needs to be answered is the most important one: Is the movie any good?

Well, the critics have spoken. Their answer is a resounding “yes!” And I agree.”

How “Access Hollywood” of him to say so.

Listen, the most important question that Mr. Colson should be encouraging believers in the Lord to ask about any “Christianly” messaged film being promoted is… “is it biblically true?” Good is in the eye of beholder – it is wonderfully subjective and rightly so. That is why I liked “The Man from Snowy River” and one of my dear friends preferred “Rainman.” But truth by its very nature is not subjective, but objective – it is “forever settled in heaven.” Colson knows this; I assume he believes this; he just didn’t say this. So here’s the question he should have asked (but forgot to), “is ‘Narnia…’ biblical in its truth claims within the context of Lewis’s use of allegory?”

And contrary to what brother Colson asserts when saying, “Of course, Christians want to know if the film remains faithful to Lewis’s book”; most Christians I've spoken with want to know if it remains faithful to THE BOOK - the Scriptures? And the answer to that question has already been answered by Lewis’s theology itself - it does not.

Lewis is a brilliant writer and storyteller. He stretches the imagination and is a gifted wordsmith. But if anyone thinks that the “most important theological fact about The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe is its Christological focus... the salvation history is told with theological precision and with a continuous eye on the Gospel accounts of the life and death of Jesus” is gravely mistaken. (quote: by Leland Ryken).

When the world enthusiastically embraces fictionalized representations of Christianity, one must ask, “is it genuine Christianity that is being represented at all?” Has evangelicalism so bought into a fantasy approach to Bible telling and devotional instruction that it has dumbed-down the very essence of THE FAITH to longs to proclaim?

Can this film be used as a conversation touchstone for sharing the gospel with another? Absolutely; yes. But so can “The Exorcist.” Can this film teach some helpful lessons of a moral nature? Yes – without question. But so can “The Godfather Trilogy.” Can this film inspire, encourage, and stir up the human spirit giving needed hope in the trials of life? Most definitely! But so can “Seabiscuit”, “The Sound of Music”, “Rocky”, “The Patriot”, “Remember the Titans”, etc. Film doesn't have to be "christianly" in nature for those feelings to be tapped into.

The “breakpoint” is this: don’t go because Mr. Colson says you are to “brave the long lines and see this film” or for the reason that there is hidden biblical meaning in the allegory to explain the Christian faith. Go, simply because you want to enjoy a nice film with your family— and there is nothing wrong with that.

It is obvious that the church today has an unhealthy obsession with fiction to define their devotional life in Christ; and with the needed celebrity/popularity to represent the faith to give it a fresh relevency to the culture because it will give us the the greatest opportunity in contemporary times to share the gospel. No. Here’s the hard reality: if it takes “Narnia…” to motivate and give reason for you to tell someone else about the Lord Jesus Christ, then may I ask lovingly and humbly, “do you really know the Christ of Scripture at all?”

I‘m going to see “Narnia” tomorrow evening and am expecting to have a wonderful time of entertainment (to engage a person or audience by providing amusing or interesting material) like if I was seeing “Braveheart”; “What About Bob”; “Something’s Gotta Give”; or “The Natural.” I am not going with the hidden expectation to be moved deeply in my faith by some allegorical fictionalized imagery about atonement, resurrection, Christology, or sotierology. That would be imaginative, whimsical fantasy, playfully humorous, and disneyesque. That would be… “Narnia.”

If you’re looking to be inspired with the substance of authentic Christianity, may I recommend to you the most exciting, accurate, account ever told to man… read your Bibles. It will impact your life.

From the land of Narshvillia,


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